What are the global implications of the looming shortage of Internet addresses and the slow deployment of the new IPv6 protocol designed to solve this problem? This book looks at this question and much more.
Protein pengikat asam ribonukleat (RNA) saat ini berjumlah ribuan dan cacat pada fungsinya merupakan inti dari penyakit seperti kanker dan neurodegenerasi. Protein pengikat RNA telah terlibat dalam kontrol rumit dari berbagai pengaturan biologis yang sangat beragam, seperti ritme sirkadian, pembaruan diri sel punca, onkogenesis, dan perkembangan sel germinal. Buku ini mensurvei berbagai pendeka…
Why the current Bretton Woods-like international financial system, featuring large current account deficits in the center country, the United States, and massive reserve accumulation by the periphery, is not sustainable.OCLC-licensed vendor bibliographic record.
Robert E. Baldwin presents a review of the theoretical twists and turns in the development of the Heckscher-Ohlin model and an empirical assessment of the basic model and three related theorems.OCLC-licensed vendor bibliographic record.
Ralph Gomory and William Baumol adapt classical trade models to the modern world economy.In this book Ralph Gomory and William Baumol adapt classical trade models to the modern world economy. Trade today is dominated by manufactured goods, rapidly moving technology, and huge firms that benefit from economies of scale. This is very different from the largely agricultural world in which the class…
Here, experts examine the ways transnational corporations exercise power over governance of the global food system and the implications this has for sustainability.OCLC-licensed vendor bibliographic record.
Feenstra considers the consumer benefits from having access to new import varieties of differentiated products, and examines a recent method to estimate the elasticity of substitution (the extent of differentiation across products) and to use that information to construct the gains from import variety.OCLC-licensed vendor bibliographic record.
This title is an examination of the role and relevance of international bureaucracies in global environmental governance. After a discussion of theoretical context, reaserch design, and empiral methodology, the book presents nine in-depth case studies of bureaucracies.OCLC-licensed vendor bibliographic record.
"Institutional Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, a core research project of the International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change (IHDP)."This overview of recent research on how institutions matter in tackling environmental problems reports the findings and policy implications of a decade-long international research project.OCLC-licensed vendor bibliographic record.
This title looks at the technology of undersea communications from stranded-wire telegraph cables in the 1850s to fibre-optic cables at the end of the 20th century, and its social political, economic impact.