The book analyzes the current situation and future potential of the German software industry. Using empirical analysis and international case studies, it presents the status quo and offers recommendations for policy makers. It shows effective management strategies for the sustainable international growth of software-based companies. The recommendations in this book are intended to secure German…
Algae offer potential to produce renewable chemicals and fuels using solar energy and carbon dioxide from atmosphere or in flue gases while simultaneously reducing the generation of greenhouse gases. Since these can be grown on marginal lands with micronutrients and macronutrients often present in waste streams, algae-based chemicals and fuels do not compete with foods. Still large-scale produc…
Sistem pangan kita telah berjalan dengan baik di masa lalu, tetapi sistem tersebut mengecewakan kita dalam menghadapi perubahan iklim dan tantangan lainnya. Buku ini bercerita tentang mengapa transformasi sistem pangan diperlukan, bagaimana hal itu dapat dicapai, dan bagaimana penelitian dapat menjadi katalisator perubahan. Ditulis oleh tim peneliti interdisipliner global, buku ini menyatukan p…
This book examines the textile and clothing Industry of India and its trade scenario from a global perspective. New developments in international policies related to trade and investment and falling barriers to trade worldwide as well as within individual regional communities have transformed the structure of production and global competition in the textile and apparel industries across the wor…
Beragam objek koleksi Whipple Museum of the History of Science yang terkenal secara internasional dibuat lega oleh sejumlah sejarawan sains yang sangat dihormati dalam empat belas esai. Setiap bab berfokus pada instrumen atau kelompok objek tertentu, mulai dari astrolabe abad pertengahan Inggris hingga 'indikator sumber benih' pertanian modern hingga koleksi kepala ayam plester yang aneh. Para …
The book presents theoretical and empirical research on the integrated assessment of cartels’ effects on national economies. The empirical analysis is based on three cases in Lithuania, a country chosen because it corresponds to the features of a small economy with a developing culture of competition. An integrated assessment of a cartel’s impact by measuring the net economic effect created…
The North is changing at an unprecedented rate as industrial development and the climate crisis disrupt not only the environment but also long-standing relationships to the land and traditional means of livelihood. Memory and Landscape: Indigenous Responses to a Changing North explores the ways in which Indigenous peoples in the Arctic have adapted to challenging circumstances, including past c…
Business Process Management (BPM) has become one of the most widely used approaches for the design of modern organizational and information systems. The conscious treatment of business processes as significant corporate assets has facilitated substantial improvements in organizational performance but is also used to ensure the conformance of corporate activities. This Handbook presents in two v…
Business Process Management (BPM) has become one of the most widely used approaches for the design of modern organizational and information systems. The conscious treatment of business processes as significant corporate assets has facilitated substantial improvements in organizational performance but is also used to ensure the conformance of corporate activities. This Handbook presents in two v…
Bahwa setiap orang memiliki hak asasi manusia untuk menikmati manfaat dari kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan penerapannya mengejutkan banyak orang. Namun demikian, hak ini berkaitan dengan berbagai masalah di persimpangan sains dan masyarakat: akses terbuka; sains "penggunaan ganda"; akses ke kepemilikan dan penyebaran data, pengetahuan, metode dan kemampuan serta penerapannya; serta peran kerja sa…