With the success of open access publishing, Massive open online courses (MOOCs) and open education practices, the open approach to education has moved from the periphery to the mainstream. This marks a moment of victory for the open education movement, but at the same time the real battle for the direction of openness begins. As with the green movement, openness now has a market value and is su…
Higher Education; Administration, Organization and Leadership; Educational Policy and Politics; International and Comparative Education; Knowledge - Discourse; Universities; Research; Community
What are the conditions children and young people experience in the city? What opportunities does the city provide for interaction between people and urban spaces and places? What sociomaterial conditions for participation exist in institutions for children and young people? Can urban spaces, places and sociomateriality function in unexpected ways for children and young people? The topic of thi…
A avaliação do contexto da instituição educacional pode ser vista de vários ângulos, desde o ponto de vista estritamente didático e das estratégias de avaliação da aprendizagem escolar até questões epistemológicas, sociais e políticas que estão implicadas na instituição educacional e em outras instituições que envolvem relações de saber-poder. Esse livro expressa um explíc…
O livro é uma coletânea de artigos produzidos nos dois últimos anos pelo Grupo de Avaliação da FACED. São 11 artigos produzidos por 16 autores, imprimindo um caráter multidisciplinar e interdisciplinar ao conjunto da obra.
The authors examine the form and dynamics of self-learning processes within the institutional contexts of professionalization in teacher education.
The transformations of our society place the onus on the teaching professions to acquire new skills to enable them to respond to the needs of a complex reality in constant evolution. This is why the Degree Course for Professional Educator has gone through ongoing radical changes over recent years, designed to synthesise the theoretical and practical dimensions. This book is aimed at recording s…
his volume documents speeches given on the occasion of the award of an honorary doctorate by the University of Hamburg to Prof. Dr. h. c. Dr. h. c. Manfred Lahnstein
Im Jahr 2005 startete der Berliner Senat ein spannendes Experiment: Wie können sich die öffentlichen Verwaltungen und Landesbetriebe öffnen und mehr Migrant*innen als Beschäftigte gewinnen? Der Senat wollte Verantwortung in eigener Sache übernehmen, da er bis dahin selbst nur wenig Personal aus Einwanderer-Communities beschäftigte. Die zentralen Fragen waren: Was sollte und konnte man an …
Der Band beleuchtet auf theoretischer Grundlage und in praktischer Umsetzung zwei Themenfelder der wissenschaftlichen Weiterbildung. Zunächst wird der Frage nachgegangen, welche Bedeutung die Region für die wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung hat und wie sich eine Hochschulregion konstituiert. Dazu werden verschiedene (raum-)theoretische Zugänge skizziert sowie die praktische Implikationen für …