This book brings together the methods, models and formulae used for estimating air pollution concentrations in urban areas. From the Foreword The visible effects of pollution in most cities in the developed countries have been reduced dramatically in the past thirty years. This has been achieved to a large extent by the replacement of most of the low-level sources, which burnt raw coal, by m…
A Bradford book.""Industry veteran Raymond Nickerson provides an extensive introduction to the information technology revolution that is transforming industrial society. He focuses particularly on the study of person-computer interaction, noting how computers are affecting their users and society as a whole, and describes a variety of ways in which information technology is expected to develop …
In the "information age," information systems may serve as both weapons and targets. Although the media has paid a good deal of attention to information warfare, most treatments so far are overly broad and without analytical foundations. In this book Gregory Rattray offers a comprehensive analysis of strategic information warfare waged via digital means as a distinct concern for the United Stat…
STRESS, which is the abbreviation for STRuctural Engineering Systems Solver, is a programming system for the solution of structural engineering problems on digital computers.STRESS consists of (1) a language that describes the problem and (2) a processor (computer program) that accepts this language and produces the requested results. This manual explains the use of STRESS.
A Bradford book."The book is organized around parallel analyses of emotion and addiction in order to bring out similarities as well as differences. Elster's study sheds fresh light on the generation of human behavior, ultimately revealing how cognition, choice, and rationality are undermined by the physical processes that underlie strong emotions and cravings. This book will be of particular in…
Kata pengantar; Modifikasi protein pasca-translasi sangat penting untuk mengatur berbagai jalur transduksi sinyal intraseluler, yang mengontrol proses biologis penting seperti perkembangan embrio, dan fungsi sistem kekebalan dan saraf. Besaran dan durasi aktivasi sinyal diatur secara ketat oleh banyak regulator positif dan negatif. Menjadi semakin jelas bahwa dinamika spatiotemporal dari modifi…
Pendekatan penulis dalam mengajar matematika murni melalui lensa "Pola Pembuktian" mencerminkan konsep pola desain dalam pemrograman. Dengan mengidentifikasi pola-pola umum dalam pembuktian matematika dan menyajikannya dengan contoh-contoh dari berbagai bidang matematika, buku ini bertujuan untuk memfasilitasi pembelajaran dan pemecahan masalah dalam matematika murni. Penekanan pada contoh konk…
Selama dekade terakhir, perspektif perkembangan pemuda positif (PYD) telah diadopsi oleh para peneliti yang mempelajari remaja, praktisi pembangunan pemuda, dan pembuat kebijakan yang peduli terhadap peningkatan peluang hidup kaum muda dan keluarga mereka. Buku ini menjelaskan penelitian tentang perkembangan pemuda yang memberikan bukti mengenai kebijakan dan program yang bertujuan untuk mendor…
Gornick on V. S. Naipaul, James Baldwin, George Gissing, Randall Jarrell, H. G. Wells, Loren Eiseley, Allen Ginsberg, Hayden Carruth, Saul Bellow, and Philip Roth and the intimate relationship between emotional damage and great literature. Vivian Gornick, one of our finest critics, tackled the theme of love and marriage in her last collection of essays, The End of the Novel of Love, a Nation…
Asosiasi Manajemen dan Rekayasa Proyek Spanyol dengan senang hati menerbitkan buku ini. Ini mengumpulkan pilihan makalah terbaik yang dipresentasikan pada Kongres Internasional ke-18 tentang Manajemen Proyek dan Rekayasa yang diadakan di Alcañiz (Teruel). Mereka adalah contoh yang baik dari seni di bidang manajemen proyek dan rekayasa proyek. Setelah menyelenggarakan Kongres tahunan—pertama …