The emperor Nero is etched into the Western imagination as one of ancient Rome’s most infamous villains, and Tacitus’ Annals have played a central role in shaping the mainstream historiographical understanding of this flamboyant autocrat.
Les Bienveillantes de Jonathan Littell a créé l’événement de la rentrée littéraire 2006. Selon l’auteur, la portée du roman dépasse le seul génocide des Juifs pour revêtir une dimension universelle. Les angles d’approche dans Les Bienveillantes de Jonathan Littell sont aussi nombreux que variés sans prétendre à l’exhaustivité. Ce recueil n’est pas un jugement de l’œuv…
This page presents a very basic and brief description of some of the most fundamental aspects of Arabic grammar, including noun gender, word order, verb conjugation, and the most common pronouns. The page covers the parts of speech and provides examples in English and Arabic.
In republican times, one of Rome's deadliest enemies was King Mithridates of Pontus. In 66 BCE, after decades of inconclusive struggle, the tribune Manilius proposed a bill that would give supreme command in the war against Mithridates to Pompey the Great, who had just swept the Mediterranean clean of another menace: the pirates. While powerful aristocrats objected to the proposal, which would …
Looting, despoiling temples, attempted rape and judicial murder: these are just some of the themes of this classic piece of writing by one of the world’s greatest orators. This particular passage is from the second book of Cicero’s Speeches against Verres, who was a former Roman magistrate on trial for serious misconduct. Cicero presents the lurid details of Verres’ alleged crimes in exqu…
Das "Jahrbuch der Deutschen Schillergesellschaft" ist ein literaturwissenschaftliches Periodikum, das vorwiegend Beiträge zur deutschsprachigen Literatur von der Aufklärung bis zur Gegenwart veröffentlicht. Diese Zeitspanne entspricht den Sammelgebieten des Deutschen Literaturarchivs Marbach, das von der Deutschen Schillergesellschaft getragen wird.
This book presents a synchronic grammar of the southern dialects of Yauyos, an extremely endangered Quechuan language spoken in the Peruvian Andes. As the language is highly synthetic, the grammar focuses principally on morphology; a longer section is dedicated to the language's unusual evidential system. The grammar's 1400 examples are drawn from a 24-hour corpus of transcribed recordings coll…
This grammar provides the first comprehensive grammatical description of Yakkha, a Sino-Tibetan language of the Kiranti branch. Yakkha is spoken by about 14,000 speakers in eastern Nepal, in the Sankhuwa Sabha and Dhankuta districts. The grammar is based on original fieldwork in the Yakkha community. Its primary source of data is a corpus of 13,000 clauses from narratives and naturally-occurrin…
This book is a comprehensive description of the grammar of Rapa Nui, the Polynesian language spoken on Easter Island. After an introductory chapter, the grammar deals with phonology, word classes, the noun phrase, possession, the verb phrase, verbal and nonverbal clauses, mood and negation, and clause combinations. The phonology of Rapa Nui reveals certain issues of typological interest, such a…
This book presents an in-depth linguistic description of Papuan Malay, a non-standard variety of Malay. The language is spoken in coastal West Papua which covers the western part of the island of New Guinea. The study is based on sixteen hours of recordings of spontaneous narratives and conversations between Papuan Malay speakers, recorded in the Sarmi area on the northeast coast of West Papua.…