Mit der Präsentation ihrer "Frankreichstrategie" hat die saarländische Landesregierung überregional für Aufsehen gesorgt. Dass das Nachbarland Frankreich für das Saarland politisch und wirtschaftlich eine große Bedeutung hat, ist kaum bestreitbar. Doch wie realistisch sind die Zielsetzungen der Frankreichstrategie - und was können Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft dazu beitragen, die Potenzi…
Diese Arbeit wurde mit dem Hochschulpreis des Deutschen Aktieninstituts (1. Preis) ausgezeichnet. Die Jury würdigte besonders die hohe Praxisrelevanz der Arbeit sowie die ausführlichen statistischen Analysen. Seit 1998 können deutsche Aktiengesellschaften den Erwerb eigener Aktien als Instrument der Finanzierungspolitik nutzen. Über hundert deutsche Gesellschaften haben bereits davon G…
This book investigates recent policies introduced into Turkey which are designed to reduce state activities and open up the country to international investment and trade. This is done in the context of the UNs Millennium Development Goals continuing to stretch into the distant future amid the ongoing instability of the global financial system and economic pressures on the West. The focus is on …
Abordando aspectos diferentes, os dois estudos focalizam mecanismos de interpenetração crescente entre o capital agroindustrial e os produtores rurais, as estratégias que os diversos agentes utilizam e o papel das cooperativas dentro desse complexo jogo de forças. [...] [trecho retirado da apresentação do livro]
We live in a moment of high anxiety around digital transformation. Computers are blamed for generating toxic forms of culture and ways of life. Once part of future imaginaries that were optimistic or even utopian, today there is a sense that things have turned out very differently. Anti-computing is widespread. This book seeks to understand its cultural and material logics, its forms, and its o…
"Mandatory internships have become a firmly anchored curricular element of many vocational medium and high schools. With the help of a connectivity-oriented internship didactics, the authors unfold a special perspective on the design of teaching / learning processes in experience-completing internships. The internship is understood as a conglomeration of learning places, activities and phases c…
"Mandatory internships have become a firmly anchored curricular element of many vocational medium and high schools. With the help of a connectivity-oriented internship didactics, the authors unfold a special perspective on the design of teaching / learning processes in experience-completing internships. The internship is understood as a conglomeration of learning places, activities and phases c…
education; NEET; widening participation
What is economics and why should you spend your time learning it? After all, there are other disciplines you could be studying, and other ways you could be spending your time. As the Bring it Home feature just mentioned, making choices is at the heart of what economists study, and your decision to take this course is as much an economic decision as anything else. Economics is probably not wh…