This volume is comprised of 18 chapters, covering various aspects of DNA modification and RNA modified bases. It also discusses in detail circular RNA, therapeutic oligonucleotides and their different properties. The chemical nature of DNA, RNA, protein and lipids makes these macromolecules easily modifiable, but they are also susceptible to damage from both endogenous and exogenous agents. …
Controlled radical polymerization techniques for molecular imprinting, by Mark E. Byrne From bulk polymers to nanoparticles, by Lei Ye Post-imprinting and in-cavity functionalization, by Toshifumi Takeuchi Characterization of MIPs (affinity, selectivity, site heterogeneity…), by Richard Ansell Theoretical aspects and computer modelling, by Ian Nicholls MIPs in aqueous environments, by Bi…
This proceeding covers all the collected research data and presentations from the 8th International Symposium on the Molecular Breeding of Forage and Turf. The book explores themes in molecular breeding of forage and turf, including abiotic and biotic stresses, bioenergy and biorenewables, comparative genomics, emerging tools for forage and turf research, functional genetics and genomics and ge…
This book provides insights into the current state of sorghum genomics. It particularly focuses on the tools and strategies employed in genome sequencing and analysis, public and private genomic resources and how all this information is leading to direct outcomes for plant breeders. The advent of affordable whole genome sequencing in combination with existing cereal functional genomics data has…
The world population is estimated to reach to more than 10 billion by the year 2050. These projections pose a challenging situation for the agricultural scientists to increase crops productivity to meet the growing food demands. The unavailability and/or inaccessibility to appropriate gene pools with desired traits required to carry out genetic improvement of various crop species make th…
The research and its outcomes presented in this book, is about lexicon-based sentiment analysis. It uses single-, and multi-word concepts from the SenticNet sentiment lexicon as the source of sentiment information for the purpose of sentiment classification. In 6 chapters the book sheds light on the comparison of sentiment classification accuracy between single-word and multi-word concepts, fo…
The study of origin and domestication of legumes described in this book emerged when it became apparent that while this kind of information is adequate for cereals, the pulses lagged behind. At the end of the 1960s the senior author initiated a study on the chickpea's wild relatives followed by similar attempts for broad bean, fenugreek, common vetch, bitter vetch, and lentil. The junior aut…
Buku ini menawarkan laporan komprehensif tentang aspek teknologi Mobile Health (mHealth) dan membahas tantangan utama dan arah masa depan di lapangan. Ini dibagi menjadi delapan bagian: (1) pengobatan preventif dan kuratif; (2) pemantauan kesehatan jarak jauh; (3) interoperabilitas; (4) kerangka kerja, arsitektur, dan sistem perangkat lunak/perangkat keras; (5) aplikasi cloud; (6) teknologi dan…
This book introduces some emerging functional foods that are natural resources with tremendous promise as nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals. The author considers biodiversity and bioprospecting as a response to food security issues, drug-resistance, nutrition-poor diets and other problems, exploring the prospects of several under-utilized nutrients and bioactive repositories. Readers will d…
This book examines how biotechnology can improve livestock breeding and farming, and thereby also animal products. In the first chapters the reader will discover which techniques and approaches are currently used to improve animal breeding, animal health and the value of animal products. Particular attention is given to reproduction techniques, animal nutrition and livestock vaccines that not o…