I denne studien av Det nederlandsk-ostindiske kompani tilbakeviser forfatteren tidligere påstander om Kompaniets diplomatiske tankemåte og praksis. Gjennom en analyse av den diplomatiske interaksjonen mellom Kompaniet og Sultanatet Makassar (sør på dagens Sulawesi) gjendrives påstander om at et etnosentrisk tunnelsyn formet Kompaniets oversjøisk diplomati. Gjennom en dekoding av Kompaniet…
Indispensable for students of diplomacy and junior members of diplomatic services, this dictionary not only covers diplomacy's jargon but also includes entries on legal terms, political events, international organizations, e-Diplomacy, and major figures who have occupied the diplomatic scene or have written about it over the last half millennium.
A common perception of global resource scarcity holds that it is inevitably a catalyst for conflict among nations; yet, paradoxically, incidents of such scarcity underlie some of the most important examples of international cooperation. This volume examines the wider potential for the experience of scarcity to promote cooperation in international relations and diplomacy beyond the traditional b…