ABSTRACT Due to the competitive edge it confers on students, educational institutions, and non-English speaking nations in a globalized economy, English as a medium of instruction (EMI) has been gaining popularity in tertiary education in non-native English-speaking (NNES) countries. Institute-wide EMI implementation has often been imposed by top-down decisions, in combination with the optimis…
ABSTRACT Deeper learning, dialogic learning, and critical thinking are essential capabilities in the 21st-century environments we now operate. Apart from being important in themselves, they are also crucial in enabling the acquisition of many other 21st-century skills/capabilities such as problem solving, collaborative learning, innovation, information and media literacy, and so on. However, t…
This open access book explores the impact of Covid-19 on universities, and how students, staff, faculty and academic leaders have adapted to and dealt with the impact of the pandemic. Drawing on experiences from Britain, Australia and Sweden, it showcases how Covid has challenged routines and procedures in universities, and thrown them into a disarray of ever-changing events and short-term adap…
In diesem Open-Access-Buch werden verschiedene Erfahrungen vorgestellt, die im Bienenprojekt „BEEsy Mission“ der Hochschule Pforzheim gesammelt wurden. Zukünftigen Projektverantwortlichen wird eine Hilfestellung bei der institutionellen Etablierung und Haltung von Bienen gegeben.Das Buch befasst sich unter anderem mit den Fragestellungen und Herausforderungen, die im Projektkonzept berück…
This open access book explores how policy makers draw on national, regional and international expertise in issuing school reform within five Nordic countries. In an era of international comparison, policy makers are expected to review best practices, learn from experiences from elsewhere, and apply international standards propelled by international organizations. Do they do so? What counts, fo…
Dieses Open-Access-Buch beschäftigt sich mit dem Einfluss des meritokratischen Prinzips auf die Wertschätzung beruflicher Bildung gegenüber allgemeiner bzw. akademischer Bildung. Diesen Einfluss untersucht die Autorin sowohl allgemein, das heißt auf idealtypischer Ebene, als auch in Bezug auf die Ukraine. Als Ergebnis zeigt die Studie, dass das meritokratische Leistungsprinzip idealtypisch …
In vielen Ländern bereitet traditionell das Gymnasium auf die Lehramtsausbildung vor. Diese multimethodische Open Access Studie befasst sich mit der umkämpften Institutionalisierung eines zweiten, alternativen Zugangswegs (Fachmittelschule) in die Lehrpersonenbildung in der Schweiz. Mit der Analyse von Kritik, Konflikt und Kompromiss werden Prozesse der Harmonisierung von Bildung bei gleichze…
This open access book includes a series of relevant policy research articles, elaborared in the framework of the “Quality in higher education: internationalisation and databases to enhance the Romanian education system” project, implemented by the Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI), together with the Ministry of Education. The proj…
This open access handbook offers a one-stop-shop for both new and established researchers, educators, policy makers and administrators in the field of open, distance and digital education (ODDE) to gain a comprehensive overview of the history, theory and practice at all levels of ODDE, and at the same time stimulates in-depth discussions on various themes and issues of ODDE for today and future…
This open access book illustrates how interdisciplinary research develops over the lifetime of a scholar: not in a single project, but as an attitude that trickles down, or spirals up, into research. This book presents how interdisciplinary work has inspired shifts in how the contributors read, value concepts, critically combine methods, cope with knowledge hierarchies, write in style, and coll…