Dieses Open-Access-Buch bietet eine Einführung in den Identitätskonflikt zwischen Verteidigern und Entdeckern. Basierend auf einer Studie mit 5000 Befragten aus vier europäischen Ländern zeigen die Autoren, dass sich Verteidiger und Entdecker im Hinblick auf ihre Zugehörigkeitskonzepte und das Ausmaß wahrgenommener Bedrohung durch Muslime und Geflüchtete unterscheiden. Differenzen zwisch…
This open access book explores how policy makers draw on national, regional and international expertise in issuing school reform within five Nordic countries. In an era of international comparison, policy makers are expected to review best practices, learn from experiences from elsewhere, and apply international standards propelled by international organizations. Do they do so? What counts, fo…
This open access book includes a series of relevant policy research articles, elaborared in the framework of the “Quality in higher education: internationalisation and databases to enhance the Romanian education system” project, implemented by the Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI), together with the Ministry of Education. The proj…
This open access book focuses on Albanian internal and international female migration and places gender at the heart of postsocialist transformation. It explores the vulnerabilities that arise for female citizens from the contradictory policies produced by the Albanian state. By illuminating the intersection of gender and migration, it shows how Albanian women are likely to embed themselves in …
Male-dominated law and legal knowledge essentially characterized the whole of pre-modern history in that the patriarchy represented the axis of social relations in both the private and public spheres. Indeed, modern and even contemporary law still have embedded elements of patriarchal heritage, even in the secular modern legal systems of Western developed countries, either within the content of…
This open access book examines Malaysian politics using a linguistic perspective. It explores how language serves to (de)legitimise governance, and its subsequent policies and activities in Malaysia. Grounded in discourse studies, this edited volume presents research on the discourses produced by and on Barisan Nasional, Pakatan Harapan and Perikatan Nasional from 2008 to 2020, studying how pol…
This open access book is the first monograph that brings together insights from comparative politics, political sociology, and migration studies to introduce the current state of knowledge on external voting and transnational politics. Drawing on new data gathered within the DIASPOlitic project, which created a comparative dataset of external voting results for 6 countries of origin and 17 coun…
This open access book explores the organization and evolution of Finland’s Cold War cultural diplomacy (1945-1975) as the basis for a reflection on the country’s foreign relations, the link between culture and politics, small states’ autonomy during the Cold War, and the porosity of the East-West divide. The book offers a historical survey of the development of Finland’s cultural dip…
This open-access book presents cutting-edge research on securitization and democratic development in the OSCE Region. Gathering contributions by practitioners and researchers from various disciplines, it presents case studies and highlights recent activities of proactive engagement in democratic institution-building and responding to security threats from the Balkans to Central Asia. The volume…
Dieses Open-Access-Buch behandelt die Frage, wie und warum es dazu kommt, dass Menschen schwere islamistische Gewalttaten, etwa in Form terroristischer Anschläge oder gewaltsamer Hasskriminalität, in Westeuropa begehen wollen. Das im Rahmen des Buches entwickelte Erklärungsmodell nähert sich der Beantwortung dieser Frage in zwei Schritten: erstens wird erklärt, wie und warum Menschen über…