Ion channels are the major class of membrane proteins responsible for rapid and regulated transport of ions across biological membranes and for the generation and propagation of electrical signals in the brain, heart, and skeletal and vascular tissues. Ion channels are also known to play critical roles in regulation of cell proliferation, insulin secretion and intracellular signaling in a varie…
The Nordic countries have collaborated in setting guidelines for dietary composition and recommended intakes of nutrients for several decades through the joint publication of the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations (NNR). This 5th edition, the NNR 2012, gives Dietary Reference Values (DRVs) for nutrients, and compared with earlier editions more emphasis has been put on evaluating the scientific ev…
Na+-K+ ATPase or Na-pump ATPase, a member of “P”-type ATPase superfamily, is characterized by association of multiple isoforms mainly of it’s α- and β- subunits. At present four different α- (α-1,α-2,α-3 and α-4) and three β- (β-1, β-2, and β-3) isoforms have been identified in mammalian cells and their differential expressions are tissue specific. Regulation of Na+-K+ ATPase a…
Na+-K+ ATPase or Na-pump ATPase, a member of “P”-type ATPase superfamily, is characterized by association of multiple isoforms mainly of it’s α- and β- subunits. At present four different α- (α-1,α-2,α-3 and α-4) and three β- (β-1, β-2, and β-3) isoforms have been identified in mammalian cells and their differential expressions are tissue specific. Regulation of Na+-K+ ATPase a…
The biological membranes of cellular organization enfold an important group of membrane proteins called the ATPases, which are not only versatile in maintaining chemical gradient and electrical potential across the membrane but also bring metabolites necessary for cell metabolism and drive out toxins, waste products and solutes that otherwise can curb cell functions. ATPases are distributed vir…
This thesis examines the evidence for regulatory ubiquitination by focusing on A20. It provides an insightful and in-depth evaluation of the current literature by critically examining the evidence of K63-linked regulatory ubiquitination in regulating cell-signalling. It is also the first thesis to directly test the role of regulatory ubiquitination in NF-kB signaling in vivo. The case for regul…
(1). Termasuk penjelasan rinci tentang fase vesikel sinaptik bertahap untuk membantu pembaca dengan cepat mempelajari tentang struktur dan fungsi terminal presinaptik. (2). Berfokus pada kompleks protein unik sebagai aspek baru dalam pengendalian fase vesikel sinaptik. (3). Memberikan wawasan mendalam untuk studi terminal presinaptik di masa mendatang. (4). Presinaptik, yang berkaitan dengan p…
Metode bioinformatika menjadi bagian dari kotak peralatan standar laboratorium Ilmu Hayati. Diterapkan dengan bijak, pendekatan ini dapat sangat membatasi pekerjaan eksperimental dan melengkapi hasil yang diperoleh dengan metode "basah". Sementara banyak metode dan protokol bioinformatika belum cukup matang untuk digunakan oleh non-bioinformatika (dalam hal implementasi, atau kemudahan interpre…