This open access book examines how digital technologies are used to promote citizen participation in democratic urban development. It assesses the emergence, use, applicability and functions of digital modes of citizen participation in multiple cities around the world, where political regimes invite ordinary citizens to partake in policy processes through information technologies. The book also…
Dieses Buch – eine Open-Access-Publikation mit freiem Online-Zugang – bietet Führungskräften und Mitarbeitenden im öffentlichen Sektor sowie Studierenden eine ebenso kompakte wie kompetente Einführung in die wesentlichen Aspekte von Open Government. Das Konzept Open Government (offenes Regierungs- und Verwaltungshandeln) beschreibt einen Kulturwandel von Politik und Verwaltung hin zu …
Der Open-Access-Band stellt die Bedingungen, Verfahrensweisen und Organisationsformen einer gemeinschaftlichen Entwicklung von Gemeinden, Städten und Regionen in den Mittelpunkt einer wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung. Da Kommunen angesichts der Anforderungen aus globalen, nationalen und regionalen Veränderungen die damit verbundenen komplexen Aufgaben nicht mehr alleine lösen können…
This open access book contributes new theoretical and comparative insights on migrant agency, undocumentedness and informality in non-Western, non-democratic migration regimes. The book is conceived as a critical reflection on the contemporary migration regime scholarship, and, more generally, on comparative migration studies, which primarily focus on migrants’ experiences and immigration pol…
This open access book provides new conceptualisations on the networks of migrants and their descendants in accessing the labour market. Although references to social networks are common in discussions of migration, simplified ideas of co-ethnic networks often obscure the reality, for example confounding ties with co-ethnics and ‘strong ties’. This open access book addresses key questions ab…
This open access book focuses on Albanian internal and international female migration and places gender at the heart of postsocialist transformation. It explores the vulnerabilities that arise for female citizens from the contradictory policies produced by the Albanian state. By illuminating the intersection of gender and migration, it shows how Albanian women are likely to embed themselves in …
This open access book provides an historical account of the ways in which community nursing services in England have been shaped by policy changes, from the inception of the NHS in 1948 to the present day. Focusing on policies regarding the organisation and provision of community nursing services, it offers an important assessment of how community nursing has evolved under successive government…
This open access book examines how and why the UK's approach towards increasing cultural participation has largely failed to address inequality and inequity in the subsidised cultural sector despite long-standing international policy discourse on this issue. It further examines why meaningful change in cultural policy has not been more forthcoming in the face of this apparent failure. This work…