Foreign aid and international development frequently bring with it a range of unintended consequences, both negative and positive. This book delves into these consequences, providing a fresh and comprehensive guide to understanding and addressing them. The book starts by laying out a theoretical framework based on complexity thinking, before going on to explore the ten most prevalent kinds o…
This book documents the unique reporting practices of humanitarian journalists – an influential group of journalists defying conventional approaches to covering humanitarian crises. Based on a 5-year study, involving over 150 in-depth interviews, this book examines the political, economic and social forces that sustain and influence humanitarian journalists. The authors argue that – by ampl…
ABSTRACT In Politics as a Science, two of the world's leading authorities on Comparative Politics, Philippe C. Schmitter and Marc Blecher, provide a lively introduction to the concepts and framework to study and analyze politics. Written with dexterity, concision and clarity, this short text makes no claim to being scientific. It contains no disprovable hypotheses, no original collection of…
Analyzing informal trading practices and smuggling through the case study of Novi Pazar, this book explores how societies cope when governments no longer assume the responsibility for providing welfare to their citizens. How do economic transnational practices shape one’s sense of belonging in times of crisis/precarity? Specifically, how does the collapse of the Ottoman Empire – and the …
This edited volume examines the changes that arise from the entanglement of global interests and narratives with the local struggles that have always existed in the drylands of Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia/Inner Asia. Changes in drylands are happening in an overwhelming manner. Climate change, growing political instability, and increasing enclosures of large expanses of often co…
This open access Regional Reader examines the dynamics and impacts of international migration within and from West Africa. The book presents key theoretical perspectives and empirical findings on historical trends, geographical patterns, drivers and socio-economic impacts of both voluntary and involuntary migration in West Africa, a region that is characterised by high level of mixed migration …
In diesem Open-Access-Buch präsentiert Sandra Binder-Tietz eine umfassende Analyse der Kommunikation von Aufsichtsratsvorsitzenden börsennotierter Unternehmen. Deren komplexe kommunikative Rolle wird dabei erstmals systematisch erschlossen. Aus der externen Perspektive werden die vielschichtigen Anforderungen der relevanten Stakeholder wie Investoren, Aktionärsschützer, Stimmrechtsberater u…
Buku ini mengeksplorasi wacana tentang pencegahan konflik dan pembangunan perdamaian dengan mempertemukan para peneliti dari Tiongkok dan Swiss melalui serangkaian dialog kebijakan. Piagam Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa, yang diadopsi segera setelah Perang Dunia II, dengan jelas menyatakan tentang kebutuhan mendasar bagi komunitas internasional untuk bertindak dalam kemitraan guna mencegah konflik …
In diesem Open-Access-Buch werden Erfahrungen zur Zusammenarbeit und zum Wissensmanagement verschiedenster staatlicher, gemeinnütziger und privater Akteure in der Flüchtlingslage 2015/16 aufbereitet, mit praxisnahen Beispielen angereichert und um Übungen zur Vorbereitung auf zukünftige Lagen ergänzt. Die damalige Lage stellte die Beteiligten vor große Herausforderungen, sowohl im Hinblick…
This book addresses how sexual practices and identities are imagined and regulated through development discourses and within institutions of global governance. The underlying premise of this volume is that the global development industry plays a central role in constructing people’s sexual lives, access to citizenship, and struggles for livelihood. Despite the industry’s persistent insis…