The Economics discipline at the University of Adelaide has a distinguished 100 year history of which the University and the State of South Australia can be proud. Very few other departments, of any discipline in Australian universities, could claim to have a majority of its lecturer appointments rising to full Professor status over a period as long as 1901 to 1995. Nor would many other universi…
Die Expertise von Andrea C. Blättler und Franz-Dominik Imhof beschreibt, analysiert und erklärt die Entwicklung des Bologna-Prozesses sowie den daraus entstehenden europäischen Hochschulraum. Dazu werden Themen, Akteur:innen, Strukturen und Mechanismen beschrieben und kritische Stimmen aus Bildungspolitik und Wissenschaft zur Sprache gebracht. Mittels Policy-Analyse und Gesellschaftstheorie …
A avaliação do contexto da instituição educacional pode ser vista de vários ângulos, desde o ponto de vista estritamente didático e das estratégias de avaliação da aprendizagem escolar até questões epistemológicas, sociais e políticas que estão implicadas na instituição educacional e em outras instituições que envolvem relações de saber-poder. Esse livro expressa um explíc…
O livro é uma coletânea de artigos produzidos nos dois últimos anos pelo Grupo de Avaliação da FACED. São 11 artigos produzidos por 16 autores, imprimindo um caráter multidisciplinar e interdisciplinar ao conjunto da obra.
his volume documents speeches given on the occasion of the award of an honorary doctorate by the University of Hamburg to Prof. Dr. h. c. Dr. h. c. Manfred Lahnstein
Der Band beleuchtet auf theoretischer Grundlage und in praktischer Umsetzung zwei Themenfelder der wissenschaftlichen Weiterbildung. Zunächst wird der Frage nachgegangen, welche Bedeutung die Region für die wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung hat und wie sich eine Hochschulregion konstituiert. Dazu werden verschiedene (raum-)theoretische Zugänge skizziert sowie die praktische Implikationen für …
Overview: COUNS 142 at College of the Canyons Focuses on brain-based learning strategies that develop self-regulatory learning: discovering self-motivation; gaining self-awareness; developing emotional intelligence; employing interdependence; accepting personal responsibility; applying active listening; reading and note-taking; monitoring performance; and developing a growth mindset that belie…
Overview: A collection of readings on Learning Environments Design. Created by EDUC/HCI-603: Advanced Learning Environments Design graduate course at Iowa State University. Learning Environments Design Reading series is published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
Overview: The Adaptation Guide is a practical reference about how to customize — or adapt — an open textbook so that it better fits your needs in the classroom and elsewhere. This guide defines the term adaptation and discusses reasons for revising a book, why this is possible with an open textbook, and the challenges involved.
Overview: An introduction to the ADDIE model.