Microorganisms play an important role in the maintenance of the ecosystem structure and function. Bacteria constitute the major part of the microorganisms and possess tremendous potential in many important applications from environmental clean up to the drug discovery. Much advancement has been taken place in the field of research on bacterial systems. This book summarizes the experimental setu…
This book describes a robust, low-cost electrochemical sensing system that is able to detect hormones and phthalates – the most ubiquitous endocrine disruptor compounds – in beverages and is sufficiently flexible to be readily coupled with any existing chemical or biochemical sensing system. A novel type of silicon substrate-based smart interdigital transducer, developed using MEMS semicond…
This book examines how biotechnology can improve livestock breeding and farming, and thereby also animal products. In the first chapters the reader will discover which techniques and approaches are currently used to improve animal breeding, animal health and the value of animal products. Particular attention is given to reproduction techniques, animal nutrition and livestock vaccines that not o…
Buku ini menjelaskan proses kompleks yang terlibat dalam degradasi stirena oleh mikroba, termasuk mikroorganisme yang sangat adaptif, berbagai enzim yang terlibat dalam biodegradasi stirena, rute stirena-katabolik baru, mekanisme pengaturan baru, dan gen yang mengkode enzim metabolisme stirena. Banyak aplikasi bioteknologi dibahas, seperti pengembangan teknologi ramah lingkungan yang berkelanju…
Dr. Susana Castro Sowinski saat ini bekerja sebagai associate professor di Faculty of Sciences, University of the Republic, Uruguay. Publikasinya adalah: ARTIKEL PENELITIAN: 1. Batista S, Castro S, Aguilar OM dan Martinez-Drets G. 1992. Induksi gen transpor C4-dikarboksilat oleh rangsangan eksternal pada Rhizobium meliloti. Bisa. J. Mikrobiol. 38: 51-55. 2. Batista S, Castro S, Ubal…
Microorganisms play an important role in the maintenance of the ecosystem structure and function. Bacteria constitute the major part of the microorganisms and possess tremendous potential in many important applications from environmental clean up to the drug discovery. Much advancement has been taken place in the field of research on bacterial systems. This book summarizes the experimental setu…
In Ontological Terror Calvin L. Warren intervenes in Afro-pessimism, Heideggerian metaphysics, and black humanist philosophy by positing that the "Negro question" is intimately imbricated with questions of Being. Warren uses the figure of the antebellum free black as a philosophical paradigm for thinking through the tensions between blackness and Being. He illustrates how blacks embody a metaph…
The fourth volume in the Approaches to Culture Theory series is a contemporary Estonian anthology in culture theory. Most of the authors are members of the research groups of the Centre of Excellence in Cultural Theory: archaeology, cultural communication studies, contemporary cultural studies, ethnology, folkloristics, religious studies, landscape studies, and semiotics. These scholars have re…
This book studies how the concepts of body, personhood and privacy can be expanded across disciplinary borders. Notwithstanding the diversity of empirical material and theoretical frameworks, the chapters suggest innovative tools for common key issues: dialogue with the cultural Other, the appropriation of space, and personality. Human embodiment and ethical aspects of representing and regulati…
The book raises semiotic questions of human–animal relations: what is the semiotic character of different species, how humans endow animals with meaning, and how animal sign exchange and communication has coped with environmental change. The book takes a zoosemiotic approach and considers different species as being integrated with the environment via their specific umwelt or subjective percep…