Buku ini menjelaskan proses kompleks yang terlibat dalam degradasi stirena oleh mikroba, termasuk mikroorganisme yang sangat adaptif, berbagai enzim yang terlibat dalam biodegradasi stirena, rute stirena-katabolik baru, mekanisme pengaturan baru, dan gen yang mengkode enzim metabolisme stirena. Banyak aplikasi bioteknologi dibahas, seperti pengembangan teknologi ramah lingkungan yang berkelanju…
Buku ini memberikan pencerahan baru tentang bagaimana mikroba dapat digunakan sebagai sumber daya yang efektif dan berkelanjutan untuk menghasilkan energi hijau dalam bentuk biogas, diesel alga, etanol, hidrogen, dan listrik langsung. Ini membahas topik-topik seperti teknologi konversi energi mikroba, termasuk produksi etanol dengan reaksi katalitik mikroba, biometanasi, biodiesel dari mikroalg…
"So you’re the one getting this gift? Lucky you! Someone who knows you has visited the museum. They searched out things they thought you would care about, and they took photos and left messages for you." This is the welcoming message for the Gift app, designed to create a very personal museum visit. Hybrid Museum Experiences use new technologies to augment, expand or alter the physical experi…
Today synthetic dyes are used extensively in the textile dyeing, paper printing, color photography, pharmaceuticals, food and drink, cosmetic and leather industries. As of now, over 100,000 different dyes are available, with an annual production of over 700,000 metric tons. These industries discharge an enormous amount of colored effluents into natural water bodies, with or without treatment. T…
Going green, green business and sustainable business are topics on everyone’s mind. But what does all this mean exactly? A Primer on Sustainable Business answers that question and provides an introduction to the basics you need to know.
An introduction to creating electronic presentations using Microsoft PowerPoint 2010.
This OpenStax resource aligns to introductory courses in Organizational Behavior. The text presents the theory, concepts, and applications with particular emphasis on the impact that individuals and groups can have on organizational performance and culture. An array of recurring features engages students in entrepreneurial thinking, managing change, using tools/technology, and responsible manag…
This volume reviews the current metabolic engineering tools and technologies from a practical point of view, and guides researchers as they overcome challenges at various stages of organism and bioprocess development. Microbes have been engineered to produce a variety of industrial products such as fuels, basic chemicals, fine chemicals, nutritional supplements, and pharmaceutical intermediates…
The development experience in the world over the last century has shown that economic growth cannot be sustained without taking into consideration the social and political development of vulnerable populations, including greater recognition of minority rights. Within this context, the objective of this book is initially to support the interdisciplinary discussion that aims to join studies that …
Susan P. Mains adalah Dosen Geografi Manusia di Universitas Dundee. Karyanya mengeksplorasi identitas transnasional dan representasi media tentang mobilitas, perbatasan, dan keamanan dalam konteks migrasi Karibia, industri kreatif di Jamaika dan Skotlandia, dan pariwisata warisan. Dia telah menerbitkan di berbagai jurnal internasional termasuk Geografi Sosial dan Budaya, GeoJournal, Journal of …