Med antologiens titel Den Ufærdige Ftremtid – Aktionsforskningens Potentialer og Udfordringer ønsker vi at understrege aktionsforskningens grundforståelse af, at fremtiden er ufærdig. De store samfundsmæssige udfordringer for demokratisk og bæredygtig udvikling kræver engageret forskning med både lokalt og globalt udsyn. Aktionsforskning har potentiale hertil. Bogen præsenterer ny ak…
The proceedings of the conference of the same name assemble papers concentrating largely on Franco-Jewish autobiography in the last few decades. Relevant literature in English and German is also discussed. In addition, three Italian authors of autobiographies comment on their own works. The theoretical reflection undertaken in the volume either accompanies the analysis of individual works or ta…
Der Band präsentiert ein grundlegendes systematisch-theoretisches Gesamtkonzept zur Erforschung minnesangspezifischer Zeit- und Alterstopik sowie innovative Ergebnisse zur Walther-, Reinmar-, Neidhart- und Oswald-Philologie. Die Analysen widmen sich sowohl ‚kanonischen‘ als auch seltener behandelten Liedern der vier Autoren und arbeiten unter anderem mit Verfahren der rhetorischen und lite…
"Mandatory internships have become a firmly anchored curricular element of many vocational medium and high schools. With the help of a connectivity-oriented internship didactics, the authors unfold a special perspective on the design of teaching / learning processes in experience-completing internships. The internship is understood as a conglomeration of learning places, activities and phases c…
The Quechan people live along the lower part of the Colorado River in the United States. According to tradition, the Quechan and other Yuman people were created at the beginning of time, and their Creation myth explains how they came into existence, the origin of their environment, and the significance of their oldest traditions. The Creation myth forms the backdrop against which much of the tr…
"Passion for learning has become a key concept in the politics of education. We want to establish schools where students are motivated, enthusiastic and feel a desire to learn. To achieve this on behalf of all students, an emphasis has to be placed on schools where students can experience mastery on the basis of their individual qualifications. Variation in instruction is crucial for students t…
Writing, Medium, Machine: Modern Technographies is a collection of thirteen essays by leading scholars which explores the mutual determination of forms of writing and forms of technology in modern literature. The essays unfold from a variety of historical and theoretical perspectives the proposition that literature is not less but more mechanical than other forms of writing: a transfigurative i…
Deeper learning, dialogic learning, and critical thinking are essential capabilities in the 21st-century environments we now operate. Apart from being important in themselves, they are also crucial in enabling the acquisition of many other 21st-century skills/capabilities such as problem solving, collaborative learning, innovation, information and media literacy, and so on. However, the majorit…
The spectacle of the wounded body figured prominently in the Middle Ages, from images of Christ’s wounds on the cross, to the ripped and torn bodies of tortured saints who miraculously heal through divine intervention, to graphic accounts of battlefield and tournament wounds—evidence of which survives in the archaeological record—and literary episodes of fatal (or not so fatal) wounds. Th…
Depuis que l’informatique est un objet d’enseignement–apprentissage, les acteurs de la recherche se rencontrent régulièrement autour des dilemmes que suscite cet objet. C’est à ce titre que, depuis 1988, les colloques de didactique de l’informatique, puis le colloque Didapro – DidaSTIC, explorent ce domaine. Cet ouvrage constitue les actes de l’édition 2018 tenue à la Haut…