ommunication in the Real World: An Introduction to Communication Studies by Richard G. Jones, Jr. overviews the time-tested conceptual foundations of the field, while incorporating the latest research and cutting-edge applications of these basics. Each chapter will include timely, concrete and real-life examples of communication concepts in action. A key feature of this book is the integration …
For more than 30 years, certain governments, individuals and organisations have actively promoted computers as learning technologies. Enormous amounts of money and time have been spent promoting specific kinds of educational computing, and policies by which these might be implemented. The view that computers can enhance student learning has gained broad acceptance. The computers should not auto…
Diversas partes deste livro apareceram anteriormente em artigos de revistas acadêmicas ou jornais em versões distintas. Elas foram escritas visando públicos e momentos distintos, e isso se reflete em certa diferença de estilos. No entanto, havia uma preocupação e uma temática comum a todas elas, que só agora, quando postas lado a lado, podem ser melhor compreendidas.
Konsumgüter werden beispielsweise mit Slogans wie "Gut in Bio. Schlecht in Chemie." beworben. Dabei wird intendiert, sich gezielt von "Chemie" abzugrenzen und sich das positive Bild von "Natur" zu Nutze zu machen. Dies prägt die öffentliche Meinung und trägt zu einer antagonistisch-wertenden Sicht von "Chemie" und "Natur" bei. Dass Chemie als Naturwissenschaft der Beschreibung der Natur die…
"This extract from Ovid's 'Theban History' recounts the confrontation of Pentheus, king of Thebes, with his divine cousin, Bacchus, the god of wine. Notwithstanding the warnings of the seer Tiresias and the cautionary tale of a character Acoetes (perhaps Bacchus in disguise), who tells of how the god once transformed a group of blasphemous sailors into dolphins, Pentheus refuses to acknowledge …
From Catullus to Horace, the tradition of Latin erotic poetry produced works of literature which are still read throughout the world. Ovid’s Amores, written in the first century BC, is arguably the best-known and most popular collection in this tradition.
This sequence provides a comprehensive introduction to diseases of the cardiovascular system, how they present, how they are diagnosed, how they are prevented, and how they are treated. Students learn to identify the integral links between anatomy, physiology, pathology, and basic sciences with clinical medicine and other essential aspects of patient care for ambulatory and hospitalized patient…
In the Project P16901-G06 sponsored by the FWF, Camillo Sittes writings will be published for the first time in a "critical comprehensive edition", scheduled for six volumes. The basis for this edition is provided by the "Sitte Nachlass-Archiv" owned by the University of Technology, Vienna. The writings of volume four document Sittes writings in the field of pedagogy and school system. Camillo …
The interest in aesthetics in philosophy, literary and cultural studies is growing rapidly. The New Aestheticism contains exemplary essays by key practitioners in these fields which demonstrate the importance of this area of enquiry.
Mathematics teaching and learning in the primary school; whole number arithmetic; 23rd ICMI Study; international perspectives on primary math education; social-cultural diversity of early mathematics teaching; institutional constraints of early mathematics; whole number thinking, learning and development