Many individuals experience trauma during their lifetimes. Although many people exposed to trauma demonstrate few or no lingering symptoms, those individuals who have experienced repeated, chronic, or multiple traumas are more likely to exhibit pronounced symptoms and consequences, including substance abuse, mental illness, and health problems. Subsequently, trauma can significantly affect how …
This book is written for students who have taken calculus and want to learn what “real mathematics" is. We hope you will find the material engaging and interesting, and that you will be encouraged to learn more advanced mathematics. This is the second edition of our text. It is intended for students who have taken a calculus course, and are interested in learning what higher mathematics is al…
This book offers an open guide to online discussions, media arts production, blended learning, and active learning from L&S Learning Support Services @ UW-Madison. It was first published in 2015
This new collection of J. Hillis Miller’s essays centres on the question “why and to what end should we read, teach, and spend our time with literary and/or cultural studies?” At a time when electronic media seem to dominate the market completely, and jobs follow the money flows into electronic and technical fields, literary and cultural studies might appear as a decorative addenda but no…
What are the conditions children and young people experience in the city? What opportunities does the city provide for interaction between people and urban spaces and places? What sociomaterial conditions for participation exist in institutions for children and young people? Can urban spaces, places and sociomateriality function in unexpected ways for children and young people? The topic of thi…
The book contains the vocabulary of the main liturgical texts of the Byzantine rite, d. H. Hesperinos, the Orthros, the liturgies and the Gospels; the remaining Old and New Testament writings are taken into account, as far as they are used on Sundays and higher festivals. This "basic vocabulary" should now make it possible to easily translate such texts in modern (Russian) church Slavic spellin…
The transformations of our society place the onus on the teaching professions to acquire new skills to enable them to respond to the needs of a complex reality in constant evolution. This is why the Degree Course for Professional Educator has gone through ongoing radical changes over recent years, designed to synthesise the theoretical and practical dimensions. This book is aimed at recording s…
Aufklärung durch Wissenschaft war und ist die große Hoffnung der Moderne. Peter Faulstich greift das Verhältnis von Aufklärung, Bildung und Wissenschaft grundlegend auf und kontrastiert die Epochenprobleme der Aufklärung mit gegenwärtigen Debatten.Es zeigt sich ein Fortwirken der Fragen bis heute - wenn auch in veränderter Form. Der Rückbezug zur Aufklärung - als Aufgreifen unabgeschlo…
Mathematics Education; Educational Psychology
Astronomy is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of one- or two-semester introductory astronomy courses. The book begins with relevant scientific fundamentals and progresses through an exploration of the solar system, stars, galaxies, and cosmology. The Astronomy textbook builds student understanding through the use of relevant analogies, clear and non-technical explanations, a…