In einem dynamischen, unsicheren und komplexen wirtschaftlichen Umfeld stehen Unternehmen heute unter hohem Druck. Schnelle Reaktionen am Markt sind erforderlich. Viele Betriebe reiben sich auf, ohne voranzukommen, da es für die Bewältigung neuer Anforderungen an Abläufen und Strukturen fehlt. Durch intelligentes Prozessmanagement lassen sich ungenutzte Produktivitätsreserven ausschöpfe…
Dieses Buch zeigt, wie in Unternehmen ein Ideenmanagement aufgebaut, (wieder-)belebt oder umstrukturiert werden kann. Dazu werden zunächst die betriebswirtschaftlichen und juristischen Grundlagen dargestellt. Es folgt eine Anleitung zum Aufbau eines Ideenmanagements, von der Analyse der Ausgangssituation über das Projektmanagement bis zum Controlling des Ideenmanagements. Weiterhin werden die…
Dieses Buch zeigt auf, wie sich Lernen aufgrund der aktuellen gesellschaftlichen, wirtschaftlichen und technologischen Entwicklungen verändert und wie sich dies auf Organisationen und ihre Lernräume auswirkt. Fundiert und praxisnah geht es der Frage nach, wie sich physisch-analoge und digital-virtuelle Lernräume sinnvoll gestalten lassen, um die Wertschöpfung sowie Entwicklung von Organisat…
Communication @ Work is designed to guide college students in developing the vital communication skills that are necessary to succeed in the modern workplace. It is conveniently presented in a variety of AODA-compliant formats and written in the reader-friendly style of a professional email between colleagues.
Food price volatility is one of the major challenges facing the global agricultural system today. This was most vividly illustrated during the global food crisis of 2007–9 when price spikes occurred for key staple food commodities—such as wheat, rice, maize, and soybeans. Given the variety of reactions by governments of countries experiencing similar food price shocks, the 2007–9 crisis o…
This pandemic does not only affect health aspects but also economic aspects. The world today faces a recession resulting from the covid-19 pandemic. Indonesia's economy continues to lead to a recovery, although not very significant. The current government continues to make various recovery efforts. One of the flagship programs includes encouraging and strengthening support for social protection…
The Investment Report, issued annually by the European Investment Bank, provides a comprehensive overview and analysis of investment and the financing of investment in the European Union. It combines the exploration of investment trends with in-depth analysis, focusing especially on the drivers and barriers to investment activity. The report leverages on a unique set of databases and survey dat…
It is an intellectual necessity for universities to be open to participation by scholars and students all over the world; despite this, their sources of funding are almost entirely domestic and primarily governmental. The downloading of universities from national to regional government means that funding is increasingly even regional or local. Policy makers, firms and students, who are increasi…
The topic, "Northern Sea Route" has become a highly relevant point on the strategic radar screen of many business and military leaders, since global climate change now opens up a hitherto impassable sea route and positions it as a strategic alternative to the Suez route. Add to this the discovery of many easily extractable commodities and metals in the arctic area. For entrepreneurs, this setti…