OCLC-licensed vendor bibliographic record.
"This book revives and reinterprets a persistent intuition running through much of the classical work: that the unitary appearance of Obligatory Control into complements conceals an underlying duality of structure and mechanism. Idan Landau argues that control complements divide into two types: In attitude contexts, control is established by logophoric anchoring, while non-attitude contexts it …
Investigations of how the global Cold War shaped national scientific and technological practices in fields from biomedicine to rocket science.OCLC-licensed vendor bibliographic record.
"The idea that human history is approaching a 'singularity'--that ordinary humans will someday be overtaken by artificially intelligent machines or cognitively enhanced biological intelligence, or both--has moved from the realm of science fiction to serious debate. Some singularity theorists predict that if the field of artificial intelligence (AI) continues to develop at its current dizzying r…
Kadang-kadang dalam karier profesional seseorang, Anda menyadari bahwa tangan sejarah ada di pundak Anda. Hal serupa terjadi pada bulan Juli 2003, di Brussels, ketika para anggota Kelompok Kerja Pakar (EWG) Konferensi Internasional tentang Harmonisasi (ICH) bidang kualitas menyepakati visi dan strategi baru untuk ICH. Dirangkum dalam pernyataan, “Sistem mutu farmasi yang selaras dan dapat dit…
"A Bradford book."An exploration of embodied intelligence and its implications points toward a theory of intelligence in general; with case studies of intelligent systems in ubiquitous computing, business and management, human memory, and robotics.OCLC-licensed vendor bibliographic record.
"A Bradford book."Pollock describes an exciting theory of rationality and its partial implementation in OSCAR, a computer system whose descendants will literally be persons.Building a person has been an elusive goal in artificial intelligence. This failure, John Pollock argues, is because the problems involved are essentially philosophical; what is needed for the construction of a person is a p…
Paris adalah kota kosmopolitan di mana kehidupan yang meriah, museum-museum yang indah, dan ilmu pengetahuan yang unggul dapat ditemukan. Pada konferensi IUMS XI yang diadakan di kota inilah seri buku Pseudomonas pertama kali dibayangkan. Di baris pertama auditorium duduk sekelompok ilmuwan terkemuka di bidangnya, yang setelah mencurahkan sebagian besar waktunya yang berharga, berkontribusi den…
Konsep proteogenomik, memanfaatkan kemajuan dari bidang proteomik dan genomik, diperkenalkan sekitar waktu selesainya pengurutan genom manusia. Kemunculan proteogenomik terutama disebabkan oleh pesatnya perkembangan dua teknologi utama: pengurutan DNA dengan throughput tinggi dan proteomik berbasis spektrometri massa. Kemampuan untuk menentukan urutan protein dengan spektrometri massa telah men…
Revision of the author's thesis (doctoral--Yale University, 1982).This book describes a theory of memory representation, organization, and processing for understanding complex narrative texts. The theory is implemented as a computer program called BORIS which reads and answers questions about divorce, legal disputes, personal favors, and the like. The system is unique in attempting to understan…