Saat industri otomotif memasuki abad kedua, industri ini mengalami margin yang rendah dan rantai nilai yang kaku yang tidak dapat berkembang seiring dengan keinginan pelanggan. Persediaan selama berminggu-minggu menumpuk di tempat penjualan dan pusat distribusi di seluruh dunia sementara para eksekutif memuji peningkatan marjinal dalam efisiensi pabrik. Aliran nilai berdasarkan model produksi m…
Sebagian besar kognitif berada di luar pemikiran yang jelas dan diskursif, di luar jangkauan gagasan komputasional saat ini. Dalam Sketches of Thought, Vinod Goel berpendapat bahwa konsepsi komputasional kognitif tentang dunia mengharuskan proses berpikir kita menjadi tepat, kaku, terpisah, dan tidak ambigu; namun ada sistem simbol yang padat, ambigu, dan tidak jelas, seperti membuat sketsa, me…
Ilmu saraf sosial menggunakan metodologi dan alat yang dikembangkan untuk mengukur fungsi mental dan otak guna mempelajari kognisi sosial, emosi, dan perilaku. Dalam koleksi ini, John Cacioppo, Penny Visser, dan Cynthia Pickett telah menyatukan kontribusi dari para psikolog, ahli saraf, psikiater, ahli radiologi, dan ahli saraf yang berfokus pada dasar-dasar neurobiologis dari pemrosesan inform…
"Pada abad kesembilan belas, praktik ilmiah mengalami transformasi dramatis dari usaha pribadi menjadi usaha bisnis. Dalam Spectrum of Belief, Myles Jackson menggunakan karier ahli optik Joseph von Fraunhofer (1787-1826) untuk menyelidiki hubungan antara sains dan masyarakat, dan hubungan antara pengrajin dan filsuf alam eksperimental, selama transformasi ini."
There are one or two points in the letter of your esteemed correspondent " Lambda " in last week's issue which call for some observation before the subject of the recent Revision of the Ritual is allowed to rest. Being one of an abnormal class which comes under two categories in your correspondent's letter, namely, " blaming the Conference for its insufficient action," and being at the same tim…
A Co-operative Proposal {1875) ; Rescue Work in Relation to Prostitution and Disease (1881) ; Christian Socialism (1882) ; Wrong and Right Methods (1883) ; Criticism of Gronlund's Co-operative Commonwealth of Women (1887) ; Neo-Malthusianism (1888) ; Prevention of Rabies (1891) ; Medical Responsibility (1897) ; The Present Position of the State Regulation of Vice in British India. See also Medi…
ENJOYING the enormous endowment that it did, the Occidental University could afford to do things on a grand scale. Accordingly, when it was decided to make the department of Natural History especially rich in examples of the wild life of the Orient, the authorities considered that the best way to accomplish this would be to send the head of that department to obtain personally what was sought. …
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Outgrowth of a meeting of the "Altenberg 16" at the Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research in Altenberg, Austria, in July 2008. Cf. pref.In this volume, 16 leading evolutionary biologists and philosophers of science survey the conceptual changes that have emerged since Huxley's landmark publication, not only in such traditional domains of evolutionary biology as quantitati…
Experts discuss the risks global environmental change poses for the human security, including disaster and disease, violence, and increasing inequity.OCLC-licensed vendor bibliographic record.