research agenda for e-Government. When e-Government was first conceived, it was designed upon basic technologies where the emphasis was only on the simple display of government information for citizens to read. Nowadays, e-Government design comprises many complicated modules such as upload and download consoles, two-way interaction consoles between citizens and government agents, integrated gov…
"... the practice of barefoot economics requires more than simply the lived experience of poverty-related phenomena. In contrast to the prevailing positivist paradigm within the scientific discipline of economics that tends to cultivate particular ways of economic thinking by taking their linguistic presuppositions for granted, barefoot economics involves challenging one's own horizon of possib…
Die Teilchenphysik als Teilgebiet der modernen Physik gewinnt zunehmend an Bedeutung im schulischen Physikunterricht. In dieser Arbeit wird erstmalig das von Lehrkräften benötigte Fachwissen zur Teilchenphysik modelliert, wobei Fachwissen als ein Teil des Professionswissens verstanden wird. Als Fachwissensdimensionen werden die Inhaltsbereiche und die Wissensarten in den Fokus genommen, für …
A shortage of skilled workers is currently emerging in many countries. Yet public discourse and much research literature convey the impression that manual labor is somehow outmoded, requiring competencies that are no longer necessary in today’s «post-industrial, information-based society». The question of how to achieve the right balance between different types of work in a society is one t…
Drawing on a range of approaches from the social sciences and humanities, this handbook explores theoretical and empirical perspectives that address the articulation of law in society, and the social character of the rule of law. The vast field of socio-legal studies provides multiple lenses through which law can be considered. Rather than seeking to define the field of socio-legal studies, thi…
In this chapter, I explore the regulation of alternative and traditional medicine, in order to reflect on how particular temporalities shape, and are shaped by, the interface between law and medicine. This chapter makes two key points: first, it argues that both biomedicine and law have relied on a particular sense of ‘modernity’ as a linear temporal process; in turn, this has been key in d…
Virginia politician James Madison kept detailed notes of the debates that took place in 1787 during the drafting of the Constitution of the United States. This volume reproduces them for easy reading.
Finland celebrated its 85th year of independence in 2002. It is one of the thirteen countries of the world that have preserved their democracy uninterrupted since the First World War. Despite its modest origins and difficult wartime experiences, this dynamic country is now a world leader in many spheres. In 2001 it was named the world's most technologically advanced and also the least corrupt c…
Konsumgüter werden beispielsweise mit Slogans wie "Gut in Bio. Schlecht in Chemie." beworben. Dabei wird intendiert, sich gezielt von "Chemie" abzugrenzen und sich das positive Bild von "Natur" zu Nutze zu machen. Dies prägt die öffentliche Meinung und trägt zu einer antagonistisch-wertenden Sicht von "Chemie" und "Natur" bei. Dass Chemie als Naturwissenschaft der Beschreibung der Natur die…
Introduces basic mathematical principles related to drinking water distribution and treatment systems and wastewater treatment plants; including areas, volumes, pressure, flow rates, unit conversion, chemical dosage, detention time, and filtration rates. Focuses on mathematical computations within the expected range of knowledge on the State Water Resources Control Board exams for Drinking Wate…