University Physics is a three-volume collection that meets the scope and sequence requirements for two- and three-semester calculus-based physics courses. Volume 1 covers mechanics, sound, oscillations, and waves. Volume 2 covers thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism, and Volume 3 covers optics and modern physics. This textbook emphasizes connections between between theory and application, …
The transformations of our society place the onus on the teaching professions to acquire new skills to enable them to respond to the needs of a complex reality in constant evolution. This is why the Degree Course for Professional Educator has gone through ongoing radical changes over recent years, designed to synthesise the theoretical and practical dimensions. This book is aimed at recording s…
Aufklärung durch Wissenschaft war und ist die große Hoffnung der Moderne. Peter Faulstich greift das Verhältnis von Aufklärung, Bildung und Wissenschaft grundlegend auf und kontrastiert die Epochenprobleme der Aufklärung mit gegenwärtigen Debatten.Es zeigt sich ein Fortwirken der Fragen bis heute - wenn auch in veränderter Form. Der Rückbezug zur Aufklärung - als Aufgreifen unabgeschlo…
Der Programmatik des lebenslangen Lernens ist ein Subjektverständnis eingeschrieben, welches das Denken an aufklärerische Wurzeln zurückführt - und zwar im Sinne einer durch Menschen verantworteten und allein auf menschliche Vernunft begründeten Selbststeuerung. Peter Schlögl zeigt: Dieser andauernde Auftrag gewollter Unabgeschlossenheit an jeden Einzelnen kann als Daseinsmetaphorik geles…
Taste usually occupies the bottom of the sensorial hierarchy, as the quintessentially hedonistic sense, too close to the animal, the elemental and the corporeal, and for this reason disciplined and moralised. At the same time, taste is indissolubly tied to knowledge. To taste is to discriminate, emit judgement, enter an unstable domain of synaesthetic normativity where the certainty of metaphys…
Mit der päpstlichen Bulle „Inter Gravissimas“ wurde 1582 der nach Papst Gregor XIII. benannte Gregorianische Kalender eingeführt. In Deutschland wurde dieser Kalender anfangs nur von katholisch regierten Ländern übernommen. Die protestantischen lehnten ihn grundsätzlich - weil vom Papst angeordnet - ab. Das führte zum Paradoxon einer doppelten Kalenderführung in Deutschland während …
In view of the challenges—many of which are political—that different European countries are currently facing, scholars who work on the 18th century have compiled this anthology which includes earlier recognitions of common values and past considerations of questions which often remain pertinent nowadays. During the Enlightenment, many men and women of letters envisaged the continent’s fut…
This module will provide students with an introduction to religion as an academic discipline. The module Learning Unit will familiarize students with the difficulties of defining religion as an academic category, explore academic theories for understanding individual religious impetus, and provide a definitional criteria for the term ‘World Religion.’ From there, the student will analyze th…
World Regional Geography takes a regional approach to globalization and world geography. The textbook was designed to provide accurate and current information regarding world regional geography in an easy-to-read format. Fundamental geographic concepts and regions are presented in concise chapters that provide a foundational framework for understanding development patterns around the world. Ess…
"Has Scotland suffered from colonial oppression by England for the last 300 years? While historiography may give an answer in the negative, this study reveals that the contemporary Scottish novel is haunted by strong feelings, marked by perceptions of abjection and inferiorisation in response to constructing the English as dominating. Drawing from an unprecedented corpus of contemporary Scottis…