This open access volume of the AIDA Europe Research Series on Insurance Law and Regulation brings together contributions from authors with different legal cultures. It aims to identify the legal issues that arise from the intersection of two disciplines: insurance law and corporate/company law. These legal issues are examined mainly from the perspective of European Union (EU) law. However, ther…
This open access book investigates an entrepreneurial approach to building new theories. It provides a rich understanding of how specific tools facilitate aspects of the theorizing process and offers a clearer big picture of the process of building important new entrepreneurship theories. The authors show that anthropomorphizing has been a critically important tool for developing influential en…
This open access book provides an overview of the work undertaken within the FiberEUse project, which developed solutions enhancing the profitability of composite recycling and reuse in value-added products, with a cross-sectorial approach. Glass and carbon fiber reinforced polymers, or composites, are increasingly used as structural materials in many manufacturing sectors like transport, const…
Dengan mengutarakan perubahan minat terhadap seni Korea dan menawarkan cara baru untuk memahami bias yang memulai dan memengaruhi koleksinya, buku ini menelusuri kebangkitan pasar seni Korea modern dari periode pembentukannya pada tahun 1870-an hingga puncaknya dan penurunan berikutnya pada tahun 1930-an. Pembahasannya berpusat pada pengumpulan keramik seladon Koryŏ saat keramik tersebut menja…
Menawarkan perspektif baru tentang "dorongan", buku ini menggunakan paternalisme hukum untuk mengeksplorasi bagaimana sistem hukum dapat mempromosikan kebijakan yang baik tanpa mengabaikan otonomi pribadi. Buku ini menunjukkan bahwa dilema antara aturan opt-in yang tidak efisien dan skema opt-out yang membatasi otonomi gagal untuk secara realistis menangkap rentang opsi yang tersedia bagi pembu…
Healing the Reason-Emotion Split mengacu pada penelitian dari psikologi eksperimental dan ilmu saraf untuk menghilangkan mitos bahwa akal budi harus dijunjung tinggi di atas emosi. Dengan menyatakan bahwa akal budi dan emosi saling menguntungkan kemampuan kita dalam mengambil keputusan, buku ini mengeksplorasi gagasan bahwa memahami hubungan ini dapat memberikan keuntungan jangka panjang bagi p…
Teks ini mengkaji seksualitas manusia melalui teori psikoanalitik dan psikologi ego modern, yang melihat makna emosional dan organisasinya dalam representasi simbolis dari afek sebagaimana diatur oleh ego. Dimulai dengan eksplorasi tentang bagaimana representasi simbolis diterapkan pada pengalaman sensorik tubuh dalam seksualitas manusia, baik dalam realitas maupun fantasi. Selanjutnya, penulis…
This open-access book brings together international experts who shed new light on the status of social enterprises, benefit corporations and other purpose-driven companies. The respective chapters take a multidisciplinary approach (combining law, philosophy, history, sociology and economics) and provide valuable insights on fostering social entrepreneurship and advancing the common good. In …
This unique open access book applies the functional OCaml programming language to numerical or computational weighted data science, engineering, and scientific applications. This book is based on the authors' first-hand experience building and maintaining Owl, an OCaml-based numerical computing library. You'll first learn the various components in a modern numerical computation library. The…
This open access book provides selected teaching approaches, supporting methods, concrete examples of curricula as well as extracurricular teaching formats, which are predominantly tailored to both African and German requirements. These approaches were developed by the YEEES Training and Research Centers, an international interdisciplinary network of university teachers and researchers from Ger…