A new approach to interaction design that moves beyond representation and metaphor to focus on the material manifestations of interaction. Smart watches, smart cars, the Internet of things, 3D printing: all signal a trend toward combining digital and analogue materials in design. Interaction with these new hybrid forms is increasingly mediated through physical materials, and therefore interacti…
We turn on the lights in our house from a desk in an office miles away. Our refrigerator alerts us to buy milk on the way home. A package of cookies on the supermarket shelf suggests that we buy it, based on past purchases. The cookies themselves are on the shelf because of a "smart" supply chain. When we get home, the thermostat has already adjusted the temperature so that it's toasty or braci…
This open access book presents a comprehensive synthesis of the biodiversity of the oceanic islands of the Gulf of Guinea, a biodiversity hotspot off the west coast of Central Africa. Written by experts, the book compiles data from a plethora of sources – archives, museums, bibliography, official reports and previously unpublished data – to provide readers with the most updated information …
Das Herausgeberwerk zeigt Chancen und Risiken des Cloud Computings auf, bringt Lesern das Thema durch anschauliche Beispiele aus Forschung und Praxis näher und zeigt die Implikationen auf, die aus dieser neuen Infrastruktur resultieren. Die Beitragsautoren präsentieren technische Lösungen, Geschäftsmodelle und Visionen, die einerseits die Herausforderungen und Hürden des Cloud Computing au…
This open access book examines how different economic systems impacted the development of East Germany and Poland. Through comparing these countries while they were centrally planned socialist economies with the periods when they transitioned to capitalism, the inability of socialist economies to modernize effectively and produce sustained economic growth is highlighted. Particular attention is…
This open access book improves the users' skills needed to implement models for performance evaluation of digital infrastructures. Building a model is usually a relatively easy task, but making it an accurate representation of the phenomenon to be reproduced is a completely different matter. It is well-known that to increase the ability to build reliable models it is necessary to accumulate exp…
This open access book constitutes the proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Electronic Voting held in Luxemburg in October 2023. The conference collected the most relevant debates on the development of Electronic Voting, from aspects relating to security and usability through to practical experiences and applications of voting systems, also including legal, social, or politic…
Dieses Buch ist eine „Open Access“-Publikation zum Stand der Entwicklung der Elektromobilität. Ohne Zweifel: Die Automobilindustrie befindet sich in einem tiefgreifenden Wandel. Mit der Elektromobilität verändern sich bisherige Fahrzeug- und Antriebskonzepte grundlegend. Bestimmt durch neue Fahrzeugkomponenten wie die Batterie, die Leistungselektronik, der Elektromotor und die Brennstoff…
This open-access book aims to highlight the coming surge of 5G network-based applications and predicts that the centralized networks and their current capacity will be incapable of meeting the demands. The book emphasizes the benefits and challenges associated with the integration of 5G networks with varied applications. Further, the book gathers and investigates the most recent 5G-based resear…
This open access book reviews the importance of ecological functioning within rangelands considering the complex inter-relationships of production agriculture, ecosystem services, biodiversity, and wildlife habitat. More than half of all lands worldwide, and up to 70% of the western USA, are classified as rangelands—uncultivated lands that often support grazing by domestic livestock. Th…