This book is the first of its kind to offer a comprehensive and up-to-date discussion of the use of nanoscale materials for biomedical applications, with a particular focus on drug delivery, theragnosis and tissue regeneration. It also describes in detail the methods used in the preparation of nanoparticles. Response of nanoparticles in biological systems are also explored. Nanotechnology ha…
This practical and concise guide offers an overview of muscular dystrophy's complicated features, treatment options and general resources. New treatments and a greater understanding of proteins and structures associated with MD are discussed along with long term patient care. Also included are clinical and developmental challenges within the current regulatory landscape and recent scientific an…
Mitochondrial disease constitutes a complex and heterogeneous group of disorders resulting from a defect in mitochondrial respiratory chain (MRC) enzyme activity. In view of the dual regulation of the MRC, exercised by both the mitochondrial and nuclear genome, mutations in either mitochondrial or nuclear DNA can result in a MRC deficiency. Whilst a single organ can be affected, MRC disorders o…
Development of strategies to assist the movement of poorly permeable molecules across biological barriers has long been the goal of drug delivery science. In the last three decades, there has been an exponential increase in advanced drug delivery systems that aim to address this issue. However, most proprietary delivery technologies that have progressed to clinical development are based on perm…
Mitochondrial disease constitutes a complex and heterogeneous group of disorders resulting from a defect in mitochondrial respiratory chain (MRC) enzyme activity. In view of the dual regulation of the MRC, exercised by both the mitochondrial and nuclear genome, mutations in either mitochondrial or nuclear DNA can result in a MRC deficiency. Whilst a single organ can be affected, MRC disorders o…
Plant medicines are the original medicines that humans have always used. Many people continue to use plant medicines today including teas, coffee, chocolate, ginger, and other medicines. Traditional medicine is based on plant medicines and is the primary form of medicine for many people throughout the world. The current volume discusses traditional medicines and presents various plant medicines…