The emphasis in this volume is on the structure and functional design of the integument. The book starts with a brief introduction to some basic principles of physics (mechanics) including Newton’s Three Laws of Motion. These principles are subsequently used to interpret the problems animals encounter in motion. It is in only the last 40 or so years that we have begun to understand how imp…
This atlas is currently the most systematic and comprehensive atlas of the tree shrew brain. The purpose of this book is to help scientists acquire accurate coordinates of the brain regions of the tree shrew, which is becoming a popular animal model for a variety of human diseases. This atlas contains series of 192 coronal sections, 36 sagittal sections, and 49 horizontal sections using Nissl s…
This book covers the ethnobiology and traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) of the Solega people of southern India. Solega TEK is shown to be a complex, inter-related network of detailed observations of natural phenomena, well-reasoned and often highly accurate theorizing, as well as a belief system, derived from cultural norms, regarding the relationships between humans and other species on t…
This textbook provides a collection of case studies in paleoanthropology demonstrating the method and limitations of science. These cases introduce the reader to various problems and illustrate how they have been addressed historically. The various topics selected represent important corrections in the field, some critical breakthroughs, models of good reasoning and experimental design, and im…
This cutting-edge monograph on advanced clinical anatomy and pathoanatomy of the shoulder, written by the world’s leading authors, reflects recent significant advances in understanding of anatomy and pathology. It is beautifully illustrated with exquisite photographs of anatomical specimens, and images from arthroscopy, histology, and radiology complete the picture. The accompanying text b…
Pendekatan strategis menggunakan peritonektomi dan operasi sitoreduktif untuk mengobati kanker peritoneum telah berkembang secara bertahap selama 30 tahun terakhir yang telah dipancarkan oleh pemimpin kami yang mengesankan, Paul H. Sugarbaker. Dia telah mengumpulkan banyak ahli bedah dari seluruh dunia untuk prosedur ini. Keahliannya membuat banyak dari kita tertarik dengan prosedur peritonekto…
Pengalaman sebelum dan sesudah melahirkan memiliki efek yang mendalam dan bertahan lama pada kesehatan fisik dan mental yang bekerja melalui otak dan penanaman biologis dari pengalaman positif dan negatif. Bab-bab dalam volume ini mendokumentasikan banyak aspek dari hal ini baik pada model hewan maupun manusia, dan bab pengantar ini telah menguraikan strategi pengobatan dan potensi kemanjuranny…
Orang tua yang membawa seorang anak ke rumah sakit untuk diagnosis dan pengobatan berharap dapat sembuh dan memulihkan kualitas hidup yang normal di masa depan. Mereka takut akan banyak hal, mulai dari yang terburuk-kematian anak-melalui rasa sakit dan penderitaan mereka hingga ketidakpastian tentang bagaimana mengelola kompleksitas hidup mereka sendiri, yang tiba-tiba terganggu. Apa yang merek…
Perawatan Jantung Pediatrik dan kerusakan katup bawaan, Volume 2: Peningkatan Kualitas dan Keselamatan Pasien Gagasan bahwa data klinis dapat dianalisis oleh beberapa pusat jantung bawaan dibagikan oleh banyak individu tercerahkan yang meramalkan kegunaan struktur organisasi semacam itu pada awal 1980-an. Diskusi mengarah pada gagasan yang menghasilkan sistem pengumpulan data primitif yang meng…
In this survey text, directed at those not majoring in biology, we dispel the assumption that a little learning is a dangerous thing. We hope that by skimming the surface of a very deep subject, biology, we may inspire you to drink more deeply and make more informed choices relating to your health, the environment, politics, and the greatest subject that are all of us are entwined in, life itself.