This text was written as a prequel to the APEXCalculus series, a three–volume series on Calculus. This text is not intended to fully prepare students with all of the mathematical knowledge they need to tackle Calculus, rather it is de-signed to review mathematical concepts that are o[en stumbling blocks in the Calculus sequence. It starts basic and builds to more complex topics. This text is …
The manner in which music theory has been traditionally taught is now in a state of flux. Originally, the study of music theory was designed to acquaint the music student or knowledgeable amateur with the composer’s working materials in “Classical” music roughly spanning the 17th- through the 19th Centuries. The role of music theory has expanded far beyond this mandate: theory training no…
As we move from the era of the Millennium Development Goals to the Sustainable Development Goals it is important to consider how development agendas are set, the progress that has been made over the past 15 years, and how current debates are shaping global development efforts for the next 15 years. This book was produced as part of a University College London-London International Developm…
The author of this text has intentionally kept it general in nature in order to create a platform for those who want to expand content into more in depth studies of the mentioned concepts and traditions. I believe that appreciation of any subject comes from open-minded exposure to that topic. With the arts this generally must happen at a moment when the message and meaning of the work resonates…
The manner in which music theory has been traditionally taught is now in a state of flux. Originally, the study of music theory was designed to acquaint the music student or knowledgeable amateur with the composer’s working materials in “Classical” music roughly spanning the 17th- through the 19th Centuries. The role of music theory has expanded far beyond this mandate: theory training no…
This is a textbook for differential calculus with explanations, examples, worked solutions, problem sets and answers. It has been reviewed by calculus instructors and class-tested by them and the author. Topics are typically introduced by way of applications, and the text contains the usual theorems and techniques of a first course in calculus. Besides technique practice and applications of th…
If you are reading this, you are most likely taking a course in information systems, but do you even know what the course is going to cover? When you tell your friends or your family that you are taking a course in information systems, can you explain what it is about? For the past several years, I have taught an Introduction to Information Systems course. The first day of class I ask my stu…
An introductory textbook in business that covers a variety of topics: The Foundations of Business, Economics and Business, Ethics and Social Responsibility, Business in a Global Environment, Forms of Business Ownership, Entrepreneurship: Starting a Business, Management and Leadership, Structuring Organizations, Operations Management, Motivating Employees,Managing Human Resources, Union/Manageme…
The Sustainable Business Case Book provides readers with a broad overview of the core concepts of sustainability and sustainable business practice. It is intended for use in undergraduate business courses and will also be of interest to students in environmental studies, engineering, urban planning, and government. This book is not meant to exhort all business people on the path to sustainabili…