The evolution of cognitive psychology, traced from the beginnings of a rigorous experimental psychology at the end of the nineteenth century to the "cognitive revolution" at the end of the twentieth, and the social and cultural contexts of its theoretical developments. Modern psychology began with the adoption of experimental methods at the end of the nineteenth century: Wilhelm Wundt establ…
Papers presented at the Conference on Household Portfolios, held in Florence, Italy, Dec. 17-18, 1999.Theoretical and empirical analysis of the structure of household portfolios.Until recently, researchers in economics and finance paid relatively little attention to household portfolios. Reasons included the tendency of most households to hold simple portfolios, the inability of the dominant as…
How xerography became a creative medium and political tool, arming artists and activists on the margins with an accessible means of making their messages public. This is the story of how the xerographic copier, or "Xerox machine," became a creative medium for artists and activists during the last few decades of the twentieth century. Paper jams, mangled pages, and even fires made early versions…
In an era of planet-wide transformation, we need a new model for planet-wide environmental politics. This book proposes 'earth system' governance as just such a new paradigm. It offers both analytical and normative perspectives. It provides detailed analysis of global environmental politics in terms of five dimensions of effective governance: agency, particularly agency beyond that of state act…
Not so long ago, people North and South had little reason to believe that wealth from oil, gas, and coal brought anything but great prosperity. But the presumption of net benefits from fossil fuels is eroding as widening circles of people rich and poor experience the downside. A positive transition to a post-fossil fuel era cannot wait for global agreement, a swap-in of renewables, a miracle te…
Over the past four decades, Los Angeles, Hong Kong, and key urban regions of China have emerged as global cities - in financial, political, cultural, environmental, and demographic terms. In this book, Robert Gottlieb and Simon Ng trace the global emergence of these urban areas and compare their responses to a set of six urban environmental issues. These cities have different patterns of develo…
Diskusi mengenai kualitas pendidikan tinggi mempunyai banyak segi dan seringkali menimbulkan perdebatan, mencerminkan kompleksitas dan interpretasi yang beragam. Kualitas memang dapat mencakup berbagai dimensi, seperti efektivitas pengajaran di universitas, pengalaman belajar mahasiswa, dampak penelitian, praktik pengawasan, mekanisme dukungan kelembagaan, dan kepatuhan terhadap standar pendidi…
Sebagian besar produk yang mempengaruhi kehidupan kita sehari-hari menjadi lebih kompleks. Manajemen Kualitas dan Keandalan—yang mengintegrasikan proses, kebijakan, dan prediksi keandalan dari awal siklus hidup pengembangan produk untuk memastikan kinerja dan keamanan produk tingkat tinggi—membantu perusahaan mengatasi tantangan sistem yang semakin kompleks dan proses yang tersebar luas sec…
Urgent environmental problems call for vigorous research and theory on how humans develop a relationship with nature. In a series of original research projects, Peter Kahn answers this call. For the past eight years, Kahn has studied children, young adults, and parents in diverse geographical locations, ranging from an economically impoverished black community in Houston to a remote village in …
Pengelolaan utang telah menjadi perhatian penting bagi India selama lebih dari lima dekade, dengan fokus khusus pada utang dalam negeri sejak tahun 1971. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, terutama setelah krisis keuangan global dan meningkatnya rasio utang di seluruh dunia, pentingnya pengelolaan utang yang efektif semakin meningkat. Tujuan utama pengelolaan utang adalah meminimalkan biaya pinjama…