Buku ini memberikan sejarah kritis tentang wanita berpengaruh di Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa dan berupaya menginspirasi pemberdayaan dengan panutan dari masa lalu. Para wanita yang suaranya disajikan dalam buku ini membantu membentuk konvensi, deklarasi, dan kebijakan PBB yang relevan dengan hak asasi manusia internasional perempuan di seluruh dunia saat ini. Sejak berdirinya PBB hingga gerakan …
This is an Open Access book. This book is a must-have for healthcare providers and researchers, public health specialists and policy makers who are interested and involved in cancer care in the Arab world. The Arab world consists of 22 countries, which are members of the Arab League and spanning over 13,132,327 km2 with over 423,000,000 population. Over the past few decades, the Arab world…
This open access book brings together varying perspectives for transformational change needed in India’s agriculture and allied sectors. Stressing the need of thinking for a post-Green Revolution future, the book promotes approaching this change through eight broad areas, indicating the policy shifts needed to meet the challenges for the coming decade (2021-2030). The book comprises of ten…
Buku ini menawarkan studi komprehensif pertama tentang banyak antarmuka yang membentuk hubungan antara komik dan videogame. Ini menggabungkan refleksi konseptual yang mendalam dengan pilihan studi kasus paradigmatik yang kaya dari budaya media kontemporer. Para editor telah mengumpulkan sekelompok cendekiawan internasional terkemuka yang bekerja di persimpangan studi komik dan studi permainan u…
This Open-Access-Book analyzes the acceptance of sustainable freight transport and suggests a new framework for policy measures to decarbonize freight transport. Despite intense political endeavors, the environmental performance of the transport system has not improved in the previous years. It seems that the existing measures are not sufficient to motivate transport users to implement sustaina…
This open access volume of the AIDA Europe Research Series on Insurance Law and Regulation brings together contributions from authors with different legal cultures. It aims to identify the legal issues that arise from the intersection of two disciplines: insurance law and corporate/company law. These legal issues are examined mainly from the perspective of European Union (EU) law. However, ther…
This open access book includes a series of relevant policy research articles, elaborared in the framework of the “Quality in higher education: internationalisation and databases to enhance the Romanian education system” project, implemented by the Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI), together with the Ministry of Education. The proj…
Archaeological 3D GIS menyediakan panduan bagi para arkeolog untuk mengeksplorasi dan memahami peluang yang belum pernah ada sebelumnya untuk mengumpulkan, memvisualisasikan, dan menganalisis kumpulan data arkeologi dalam tiga dimensi. Dengan platform yang memungkinkan para arkeolog untuk menghubungkan, menanyakan, dan menganalisis informasi yang dikumpulkan oleh berbagai spesialis dalam ruang …
In diesem Buch untersuchen Soziolog*innen und Umfrageforscher*innen erstmals systematisch in zehn fundierten Beiträgen die gesellschaftlichen Auswirkungen der Corona-Krise in Österreich. Datengrundlage des Sammelbandes, dessen Beiträge frei zum Download zur Verfügung stehen, sind mehrere Umfrageprojekte, die teils in mehreren Erhebungswellen über die Krisenzeit durchgeführt haben. Die Bei…
Revisualising Intersectionality offers transdisciplinary interrogations of the supposed visual evidentiality of categories of human similarity and difference. This open-access book incorporates insights from social and cognitive science as well as psychology and philosophy to explain how we visually perceive physical differences and how cognition is fallible, processual, and dependent on who is…