This open access book provides an historical account of the ways in which community nursing services in England have been shaped by policy changes, from the inception of the NHS in 1948 to the present day. Focusing on policies regarding the organisation and provision of community nursing services, it offers an important assessment of how community nursing has evolved under successive government…
This open access book explores the gendered reality of learning philosophy at the university level, investigating the ways in which women and minority students become alienated from the social practices of a male-dominated field, and examining pedagogical solutions to this problem. It covers the roles and the interactions of the professor and student in the following ways: (1) the historical si…
This open access edited book brings together a closer examination of European and Asian responses to the escalating rivalry between the US and China. As the new Cold War has surfaced as a perceivable reality in the post-COVID era, the topic itself is of great importance to policymakers, academic researchers, and the interested public. Furthermore, this manuscript makes a valuable contribution t…
Buku ini menelusuri pengaruh perubahan lingkungan politik terhadap seni, kritik, sejarah, dan teori Ceko antara tahun 1895 dan 1939, dengan melihat melampaui avant-garde ke pinggiran seni modern. Periode ini ditandai oleh perubahan politik yang radikal, pembentukan identitas nasional dan regional, dan kebangkitan modernisme di Eropa Tengah – khususnya, runtuhnya Austria-Hongaria dan pembentuk…
Dalam buku ini, penulis meyakinkan bahwa Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington sedikit keliru, setidaknya sejauh menyangkut fisika. Ia mengeksplorasi teori grup dan aljabar Lie serta representasinya untuk menggunakan representasi grup sebagai alat bantu yang menghemat tenaga. ;;; Isospin, atau isotopic spin (juga disebut isospin kuantum), adalah konsep dalam fisika partikel yang digunakan untuk menggamb…
Teks ini mengkaji seksualitas manusia melalui teori psikoanalitik dan psikologi ego modern, yang melihat makna emosional dan organisasinya dalam representasi simbolis dari afek sebagaimana diatur oleh ego. Dimulai dengan eksplorasi tentang bagaimana representasi simbolis diterapkan pada pengalaman sensorik tubuh dalam seksualitas manusia, baik dalam realitas maupun fantasi. Selanjutnya, penulis…
This open access book presents an alternative to capitalism and state socialism through the modelling of a post-market and post-state utopia based on an upscaling of the commons, feminist political economy and democratic and council-based planning approaches. It discusses the left’s need to explore non-capitalist modes of production, the inability of green or socialist market economies to pro…
Ilmu Data untuk Energi Angin menyediakan diskusi mendalam tentang bagaimana metode ilmu data dapat meningkatkan pengambilan keputusan untuk aplikasi energi angin, analisis dan prakiraan medan angin dekat permukaan tanah, pemasangan kurva daya turbin dan analisis kinerja, penilaian keandalan turbin, dan pengoptimalan pemeliharaan untuk turbin angin dan ladang angin. Seperangkat metode ilmu data …
This open access book demonstrates that, while occupation has been used to treat the mentally disordered since the early nineteenth century, approaches to its use have varied across different countries and in different time periods. Comparing how occupation was used in French and English mental institutions between 1918 and 1939, one hundred years after the heyday of moral therapy, the book is …
This Open Access Brief presents the KAPSARC Global Energy Macroeconometric Model (KGEMM). KGEMM is a policy analysis tool for examining the impacts of domestic policy measures and global economic and energy shocks on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The model has eight blocks (real sector, fiscal, monetary, external sector, price, labor and wages, energy, population, and age cohorts) that interact …