O livro discute as políticas públicas na área de cultura, no período dos anos 60 aos anos 90, demonstrando como os símbolos afro-brasileiros foram sendo ressignificados, a partir do estabelecimento de novas demandas, seja pela política institucional ou pelos movimentos negros.
Northeast Migrants in Delhi: Race, Refuge and Retail is an ethnographic study of migrants from India's north-east border region living and working in Delhi, the nation's capital. Northeast India borders China, the Himalayas, and Southeast Asia
Focused on the emergence of US President Donald Trump, the United Kingdom’s departure from the European Union, and the recruitment of Islamic State foreign fighters from Western Muslim communities, this book explores the ways in which the decay and corruption of key social institutions has created a vacuum of intellectual and moral guidance for working people and deprived them of hope and an…
Das Europa nach 1989 ist geprägt von neuen Mustern der kulturellen und ethnischen Exklusion sowie des Rechtsextremismus:
Networks of Power reconstructs the course of political history in the poorly documented Naco Valley from the fourteenth through early sixteenth centuries.
Epistemic Freedom in Africa is about the struggle for African people to think, theorize, interpret the world and write from where they are located, unencumbered by Eurocentrism.
Exit and Voice is a compelling account of how Mexican migrants with strong ties to their home communities impact the economic and political welfare of those they leave behind
This book makes an essential contribution to understanding the dynamics of contemporary immigrant inflows and integration in Europe.
This major new book tackles key questions on Europe in the context of shifting parameters of East and West.