Empathy with others’ successes and misfortunes is a critical component of group living that promotes social cohesion. Unfortunately, empathy is a malleable phenomenon in that its elicitation is not automatic, but modulated by multiple interlocking factors. This chapter explores the specific phenomenon of intergroup empathy bias—the difference in empathy for members of social ingroups versus…
Literature about empathy and intergroup bias considers a lot of research from many different approaches. However, there is certain degree of consensus that has been achieved in relation to the determination of the behavioral correlate of the empathy. Recently, its importance connected to the pro-social attitude of people has been emphasized, as well as its role played in social conflicts. So, t…
The Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Health and Wellbeing
An emerging body of research has shed light on the effects of social‐environmental factors, such as exposure to suffering, social class, and social power on prosocial orientation (i.e., empathy and compassion). This chapter aims to provide an overview of these areas of research that examined how the aforementioned social‐environmental factors may accentuate or attenuate one’s tendency to …
Family divorce might have an effect on some aspects of child development. Adolescence as a transitional stage is marked by process of seeking identity, the need for intimate relationship, as well as the struggle for psychological independence from family. Anxiety is defined as a state of extreme worry, fear, and uncertainty which results from the expectation of a threatening event or situation.…
The Impact of Moving Away from Home on Undergraduate Metacognitive Development
How to Influence the New Technologies in the Emotional Intelligence and Communication of Higher Education Student
The Equivalence of Online and Paper-Pencil Measures of Emotional Intelligence
This chapter draws on the current situation of limited access of young children to early childhood education and care (ECEC) settings in Tanzania. It offers information and evidence on early childhood education and care (ECEC) from an international perspective to those who are, directly or indirectly, involved with young children and their families. Basically, early childhood education and care…
There is conceptual ambiguity in defining empathy, which is further amplified when trying to define clinical empathy. The construct of empathy has been an ongoing debate: sometimes being interpreted as a cognitive attribute, other times as an emotional state of mind. Our preferred definition is moral, emotive, cognitive and behavioural dimensions working in harmony to benefit the patient. Under…