Kerangka maksilofasial, yang terdiri dari rahang dan dinding tulang rongga sinonasal, adalah lokasi dari berbagai macam lesi yang sifatnya sangat berbeda. Beberapa dari mereka tidak memiliki rekan di tempat lain di kerangka karena jaringan tempat mereka muncul terbatas pada tulang maksilofasial. Contoh utama dari hal ini adalah kista odontogenik dan tumor. Lesi lain tidak terbatas pada kerangka…
The overall purpose of this preparatory course textbook is to help students familiarize with some terms and some basic concepts they will find later in the Human Anatomy and Physiology I course. The organization and functioning of the human organism generally is discussed in terms of different levels of increasing complexity, from the smallest building blocks to the entire body. This Anatomy an…
The book provides fundamental new insights in the structure and function of the healthy NeuroMuscular system. Recent findings suggest that the musculoskeletal system that supports movement control on Earth is controlled by unique principles of structural, biochemical and molecular characteristics. Mechanical loading by working against normal gravity helps to support principal structures in bon…
Brehe’s Grammar Anatomy makes grammar accessible to general and specialist readers alike. This book provides an in-depth look at beginner grammar terms and concepts, providing clear examples with limited technical jargon. Whether for academic or personal use, Brehe’s Grammar Anatomy is the perfect addition to any resource library.
This book describes the anatomy of the posterior fossa, together with the main associated surgical techniques, which are detailed in numerous photographs and step-by-step color illustrations. The book presents approaches and surgical techniques such as the trans-cerebellomedullary fissure approach and its variation to the fourth ventricle, as well as the cerebellomedullary cistern, infratent…
This book addresses the differentiation control of skeletal muscle in different locations of the vertebrate body Particular attention is paid to novel regulatory molecules and signals as well as the heterogeneity of origin that have revealed a developmental overlap between skeletal and cardiac muscle. Different functional muscle groups are the product of the evolution of the vertebrate classes,…
Physiology is the study of organ function and interaction. Physiology may be studied from the molecular level to the organism level. The hierarchical levels of organization of the human body from the smallest structure to the largest structure are molecular, cellular, tissue, organ system, and organism
The manual contains the following labs: Blood Composition Blood Typing Heart Anatomy Cardiovascular Physiology Systemic Blood Vessels Anatomy of the Respiratory System Physiology of the Respiratory System Renal Anatomy Urinalysis Digestive System Anatomy Digestive Physiology Male Reproductive System Female Reproductive System
ght in Australia, aiming to provide students with an increased access to free, high-quality learning materials. The material in this textbook is largely based on OpenStax’s Anatomy & Physiology textbook, however, has been modified for Australian course curriculum.
The book provides a comprehensive description of the basic ultrasound principles, normal anatomy of the lower limb muscles and classification of muscle strain injuries. Ultrasound images are coupled with anatomical schemes explaining probe positioning and scanning technique for the various muscles of the thigh and leg. For each muscle, a brief explanation of normal anatomy is also provided, tog…