Most books that use MATLAB are aimed at readers who know how to program. This book is for people who have never programmed before. As a result, the order of presentation is unusual. The book starts with scalar values and works up to vectors and matrices very gradually. This approach is good for beginning programmers, because it is hard to understand composite objects until you understand basic…
The state of the art in Biopharmaceutics, Pharmacokinetics, and Pharmacodynamics Modeling is presented in this new second edition book. It shows how advanced physical and mathematical methods can expand classical models in order to cover heterogeneous drug-biological processes and therapeutic effects in the body. The book is divided into four parts; the first deals with the fundamental princ…
The book discusses important results in modern mathematical models and high performance computing, such as applied operations research, simulation of operations, statistical modeling and applications, invisibility regions and regular meta-materials, unmanned vehicles, modern radar techniques/SAR imaging, satellite remote sensing, coding, and robotic systems. Furthermore, it is valuable as a ref…
Verena Puchner evaluates and compares statistical matching and selected SAE methods. Due to the fact that poverty estimation at regional level based on EU-SILC samples is not of adequate accuracy, the quality of the estimations should be improved by additionally incorporating micro census data. The aim is to find the best method for the estimation of poverty in terms of small bias and small var…
Le but du livre est de définir et développer une grande gamme d'outils probabilistes pour la modélisation en biologie des populations, afin de décrire des dynamiques temporelles de quantités biologiques telles que la taille d'une ou plusieurs populations, la proportion d'un allèle dans une population ou la position d'un individu. En partant de modèles markoviens discrets (marches alé…
Is a unique book combining the rich mathematical content of polygons and polyhedra, in a writing style that appeals to all readers Shows how the world of polygons and polyhedra connects to the world of aesthetics, with an interplay between mathematics and art Introduces a history of old mathematical problems and explains such problems in a fresh, enticing manner Presents non-trivial mathematica…
This textbook, now in its second edition, provides students with a firm grasp of the fundamental notions and techniques of applied mathematics as well as the software skills to implement them. The text emphasizes the computational aspects of problem solving as well as the limitations and implicit assumptions inherent in the formal methods. Readers are also given a sense of the wide variety of p…
This book developed from classes in mathematical biology taught by the authors over several years at the Technische Universität München. The main themes are modeling principles, mathematical principles for the analysis of these models and model-based analysis of data. The key topics of modern biomathematics are covered: ecology, epidemiology, biochemistry, regulatory networks, neuronal networ…
Meshfree methods, particle methods, and generalized finite element methods have witnessed substantial development since the mid 1990s. The growing interest in these methods is due in part to the fact that they are extremely flexible numerical tools and can be interpreted in a number of ways. For instance, meshfree methods can be viewed as a natural extension of classical finite element and fini…
This book examines the kinds of transitions that have been studied in mathematics education research. It defines transition as a process of change, and describes learning in an educational context as a transition process. The book focuses on research in the area of mathematics education, and starts out with a literature review, describing the epistemological, cognitive, institutional and socioc…