While binaural technology applications gained in popularity in recent years, the majority of applications still use non-individual Head-Related Transfer Functions (HRTFs) from artificial heads. However, certain applications, for example research of spatial hearing or hearing attention, require an physically exact and realistic binaural signal. The limiting factor that prohibits the widespread u…
The debate on Facebook raises questions about the use and users of this information service. This collected volume gathers a broad spectrum of social science and information science articles about Facebook. Facebook has many facets, and we just look forward above all to the use and users. The facet of users has sub-facets, such as different age, sex, and culture. The facet of use consists of…
Although there is considerable historical literature describing the social and economic impact of drought on the prairies in the 1930s, little has been written about the challenges presented by drought in more contemporary times. The drought of 2001-02 was, for example, the most recent large-area, intense, and prolonged drought in Canada and one of Canada’s most costly natural disasters in a …
The Australian vegetation is the end result of a remarkable history of climate change, latitudinal change, continental isolation, soil evolution, interaction with an evolving fauna, fire and most recently human impact. This book presents a detailed synopsis of the critical events that led to the evolution of the unique Australian flora and the wide variety of vegetational types contained within…
This book aims to assist people in interpreting coastal landforms in South Australia, revealing how the coast has evolved and is continuing to do so under the influences of a range of processes acting upon a variety of geological settings. South Australian coastal landforms include cliffs, rocky outcrops and shore platforms, mangrove woodlands, mudflats, estuaries, extensive sandy beaches, coas…
Changing choices psychological relativity theory unifying theory transformation parameters psychology psygologie koornstra choice dynamics The book contains a unifying theory on how the common object space is metrically transformed by individuals with different transformation parameters, due to their other previous experiences, to individually different psychological spaces for judgment on the …
With communication playing an increasingly important role in contemporary society, rhetoric appears to have gained in influence and importance. The ancients knew all along: power belongs to those who know how to use their words. Nowadays, we know that rhetoric pervades all discourse. There is no communication without rhetoric. In a society with ever-increasing amounts of information, and with m…
Scientists deserve public recognition. The ways that they are depicted, however, are severely limited in physical and personal traits, helping to establish and enhance stereotypes under the general title of ‘scientist’. These stereotypes range from the arrogant researcher who wants to rule the world, to the lab coat wearing ‘nerdy’ genius, but all generally fall to an extreme view of an…