The collapse of communism in eastern Europe has forced traditionally Eastern Orthodox countries to consider the relationship between Christianity and liberal democracy. Contributors examine the influence of Constantinianism in both the post-communist Orthodox world and in Western political theology. Constructive theological essays feature Catholic and Protestant theologians reflecting on the re…
This book aims to assist people in interpreting coastal landforms in South Australia, revealing how the coast has evolved and is continuing to do so under the influences of a range of processes acting upon a variety of geological settings. South Australian coastal landforms include cliffs, rocky outcrops and shore platforms, mangrove woodlands, mudflats, estuaries, extensive sandy beaches, coas…
What might an interactive artwork look like that enabled greater expressive potential for all of the components of the event? How can we radically shift our idea of interactivity towards an ecological conception of the term, emphasising the generation of complex relation over the stability of objects and subjects? Gathering Ecologies explores this ethical and political shift in thinking, examin…
Death of the PostHuman undertakes a series of critical encounters with the legacy of what had come to be known as 'theory,' and its contemporary supposedly post-human aftermath. There can be no redemptive post-human future in which the myopia and anthropocentrism of the species finds an exit and manages to emerge with ecology and life. At the same time, what has come to be known as the human - …
Research regarding the significance and consequence of anthropogenic transformations of the earth’s land, oceans, biosphere and climate have demonstrated that, from a wide variety of perspectives, it is very likely that humans have initiated a new geological epoch, their own. First labeled the Anthropocene by the chemist Paul Crutzen, the consideration of the merits of the Anthropocene thesis…
This volume is dedicated to the historiography and analysis of the present state of Estonian archaeology. Part I (articles by Valter Lang and Marge Konsa) provides a review of the general development of archaeological research in Estonia from the 19th century to the beginning of the 21st century, focusing on institutional changes and advances in theoretical thinking and approaches. Part II incl…
All of the work in Turkmenistan detailed in this report was carried out under the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment Protection of Turkmenistan and the Royal Society for Protection of Birds, within the Project on “Improvement of the status of birds and other biodiversity in Turkmenistan”.
This publication is an output from EU COST Action DNAqua-Net (CA 15219 - Developing new genetic tools for bioassessment of aquatic ecosystems in Europe) and would not have been possible without the opportunities for international collaboration provided by the network, supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology). Therefore, our highest gratitude is due to Florian Leese and…
The Global Taxonomy Initiative has provided training opportunities for Parties to apply DNA-sequence based species identification method as a tool for biodiversity management that requires rapid species identification. The method of DNA barcoding has invigorated taxonomic research and is now applied in a wide range of areas, including environmental assessment, food inspection, disease control a…
Experts in deep-sea taxonomy and ecology have worked together for four Russian-German and German-Russian expeditions in the NW Pacific deep sea (Sea of Japan, Sea of Okhotsk, Kuril-Kamchatka abyssal plain and the Kuril-Kamchatka Trench). This book provides a summary of the findings of these experts following the many hours of subsequent sample-processing and analyses, revealing a treasure trove…