Many communities are facing water scarcity in developing and developed countries alike. There are numerous publications and on-going research studies documenting the changes in our climate and potential for worsening shortages in our future. Meeting future potable water demands as communities continue to grow will rely heavily on using our existing water resources more efficiently. Preparing…
Milestones in Water Reuse: The Best Success Stories illustrates the benefits of water reuse in integrated water resources management and its role for water cycle management, climate change adaptation and water in the cities of the future. Selected case studies are used to illustrate the different types of water reuse, i.e. agricultural irrigation, golf course and landscape irrigation, urban and…
This first book-length study shows how Germany tried to reconcile the horrendous experiences of the FirstWorld War through the films made in 1919-1933. Drawing on the analysis of twenty-five such films, and covering a wide range of documentaries as well as feature films on the reasons for the outbreak of the war, life at the front,war at sea and the home front, the author sketches out the histo…
This volume contains studies of one particular category of risky situations, namely, those involving highly negative consequences with low probabilities. Situations of this type involve both natural and man-made disasters (e.g. floods, technological hazards, economic crises, epidemics, etc.). Such risks are characterized by two features: (1) they occur relatively rarely (the probability of thei…
Rainwater as a resource has been underrated due to scientific misunderstandings about its quality, the lack of hydrologic design tools for small catchments, such as roofs, the preference for large infrastructures, and the small number of successful cases reported. This book summarizes 17 years of scientific research, operational monitoring, and practical demonstration projects made at Seoul Nat…
Ground water is a source for drinking and industrial water supply and pollution created by active industrial sites which often cause social, health, and environmental problems. This groundwater eventually drains into adjacent water sources. Filtration Materials for Groundwater: A Guide to Good Practice presents the up-to-date technology of purification of polluted ground water, its treatment fo…
Detection of Pathogens in Water Using Micro and Nano-Technology aims to promote the uptake of innovative micro and nano-technological approaches towards the development of an integrated, cost-effective nano-biological sensor useful for security and environmental assays. The book describes the concerted efforts of a large European research project and the achievements of additional leading r…
This manual and the free downloadable costing tool is the outcome of a project identified by the Water, Sanitation and Health Programme (WSH) of the World Health Organization (WHO) faced with the challenge of costing options for improved access, both to safe drinking water and to adequate sanitation. Although limited in scope to the process of costing safe water supply technologies, a proper us…
Computational Hydraulics introduces the concept of modeling and the contribution of numerical methods and numerical analysis to modeling. It provides a concise and comprehensive description of the basic hydraulic principles, and the problems addressed by these principles in the aquatic environment. Flow equations, numerical and analytical solutions are included. The necessary steps for building…
ven though ozone has been applied for a long time for disinfection and oxidation in water treatment, there is lack of critical information related to transformation of organic compounds. This has become more important in recent years, because there is considerable concern about the formation of potentially harmful degradation products as well as oxidation products from the reaction with the mat…