In Lehr-Lern-Labor Seminaren können Lehramtsstudierende ihr fachliches, didaktisches und pädagogisches Wissen aufgreifen und in komplexitätsreduzierten Handlungsumgebungen anwenden. Dabei erstellen sie Experimentierstationen, um anschließend in einer iterativen Praxis mehrmals Schülerinnen und Schüler an diesen Stationen zu betreuen. Grundlegend für dieses Vorgehen sind Reflexionsprozess…
Museum Object Lessons for the Digital Age explores the nature of digital objects in museums, asking us to question our assumptions about the material, social and political foundations of digital practices. Through four wide-ranging chapters, each focused on a single object – a box, pen, effigy and cloak – this short, accessible book explores the legacies of earlier museum practices of colle…
This book provides a broad overview of the key concepts in public archaeology, a research field that examines the relationship between archaeology and the public, in both theoretical and practical terms. While based on the long-standing programme of undergraduate and graduate teaching in public archaeology at UCL’s Institute of Archaeology, the book also takes into account the growth of schol…
This collection of essays provides a historical and contemporary context for Indigenous new media arts practice in Canada. The writers are established artists, scholars, and curators who cover thematic concepts and underlying approaches to new media from a distinctly Indigenous perspective. Through discourse and narrative analysis, the writers discuss a number of topics ranging from how Indigen…
Eine lernendenorientierte und adaptive Gestaltung von Unterricht erfordert von den Lehrkräften, dass sie vorhandene Kompetenzen und Lernprozesse der Schülerinnen und Schüler diagnostizieren. Außerdem müssen sie die Anforderungen von Aufgaben mit Blick auf deren Passung zu den Lernprozessen der Schülerinnen und Schüler analysieren können. Eine derart verstandene "diagnostische Kompetenz"…
Finland celebrated its 85th year of independence in 2002. It is one of the thirteen countries of the world that have preserved their democracy uninterrupted since the First World War. Despite its modest origins and difficult wartime experiences, this dynamic country is now a world leader in many spheres. In 2001 it was named the world's most technologically advanced and also the least corrupt c…
By any measure, Judith Gardam has accomplished much in her professional life and is rightly acknowledged by scholars throughout the world as an expert in her many fields of diverse interest — including international law, energy law and feminist theory. This book celebrates her academic life and work with twelve essays from leading scholars in Gardam’s fields of expertise.
This handbook takes us through the making of The Wandering Earth, one of the highest-grossing non-English films of all time. It is a rare, in-depth, behind-the-scenes study of the making of a masterpiece, taking the reader through the entire production process of a landmark Chinese science fiction film.The book brings to life how The Wandering Earth was created, from words to images, by a young…
Landlock: Paralysing Dispute over Minerals on Adivasi Land in India explores the ways in which political controversy over a bauxite mining and refining project on constitutionally protected tribal lands in Andhra Pradesh descended into a state of paralysis where no productive outcome was possible. Long-running support for Adivasi (or tribal) land rights motivated a wide range of actors to block…
Incorporating a rich series of case-studies covering a range of geographical areas, this collection of essays examines the history of modern intellectuals in the Islamic world throughout the twentieth century. The contributors reassess the typology and history of various scholars, providing significant diachronic analysis of the different forms of communication, learning, and authority. While e…