Mori Ogai (1862–1922), one of the giants of modern Japanese literature, wrote The Wild Goose at the turn of the century. Set in the early 1880s, it was, for contemporary readers, a nostalgic return to a time when the nation was embarking on an era of dramatic change. Ogai’s narrator is a middle-aged man reminiscing about an unconsummated affair, dating to his student days, between his class…
How can people in the spotlight control their self-representations when the whole world seems to be watching? The question is familiar, but not new. Julia Fawcett examines the stages, pages, and streets of eighteenth-century London as England's first modern celebrities performed their own strange and spectacular self-representations. They include the enormous wig that actor Colley Cibber donned…
The study centers on the presentation of the North American borderlands in the works of Canadian Native writer Thomas King’s Truth & Bright Water (1999), American writer Howard Frank Mosher’s On Kingdom Mountain (2007), and American writer Jim Lynch’s Border Songs (2009). The three authors describe the peoples and places in the northeastern, middle and northwestern border regions of the U…
"For many decades, there have been numerous grants to pave the way for women into technical careers and higher positions. The ""glass door"" could thereby break in many areas. On the other hand, the proportion of men in educational professions is steadily decreasing (elementary school about 8%) or traditionally very low (kindergarten 1%). In the past, this challenge has received too little atte…
In fachdidaktischen Interventionsstudien wird Unterricht auf Basis neu entwickelter Unterrichtskonzepte öfter mit "traditionellem Unterricht" verglichen. Eine vertiefte Auseinandersetzung mit "traditionellem Unterricht" bei Interventionsstudien ermöglicht einen differenzierteren Blick auf deren Ergebnisse, aber auch ein tieferes Verständnis von Akzeptanzhürden, die bei der Umsetzung neuer U…
A critical anthology on the widespread use and influence of photography From its invention to the internet age, photography has been considered universal, pervasive, and omnipresent. This anthology of essays posits how the question of when photography came to be everywhere shapes our understanding of all manner of photographic media. Whether looking at a portrait image on the polished silver s…
The role of photography in U.S. migrant histories Since the mid-nineteenth century photography has played a central role in cultural encounters within and between migrant communities in the United States. Migrant histories have been mediated through the photographic image, and the cultural practices of photography have themselves been transformed as migrant communities mobilise the photographi…
After tactical media became less important, many media activist projects repositioned themselves: in the context of biopolitics they challenge the hegemony of biopower. This volume contains theoretical and empirical contributions to a conference on issues of media activism and biopolitics which has been organized by Innsbruck Media Studies in 2010. Theorists and activists describe and analyze m…
Die Einstellung von Lehrkräften bestimmt deren Handeln mit. Die vorliegende Studie befasst sich mit dem Nutzungsverhalten und der Einstellung von Physiklehrkräften bzgl. Computern und Neuen Medien im unterrichtlichen Zusammenhang. Außerdem werden die Einstellung und Einschätzung von Schülerinnen und Schülern zu diesem Thema untersucht. Methodisch wurden dazu sowohl quantitative Analysemet…
Konsumgüter werden beispielsweise mit Slogans wie "Gut in Bio. Schlecht in Chemie." beworben. Dabei wird intendiert, sich gezielt von "Chemie" abzugrenzen und sich das positive Bild von "Natur" zu Nutze zu machen. Dies prägt die öffentliche Meinung und trägt zu einer antagonistisch-wertenden Sicht von "Chemie" und "Natur" bei. Dass Chemie als Naturwissenschaft der Beschreibung der Natur die…