This is an unabashedly practical guide for the student fact-checker. It supplements generic information literacy with the specific web-based techniques that can get you closer to the truth on the web more quickly. This guide will show you how to use date filters to find the source of viral content, how to assess the reputation of a scientific journal in less than five seconds, and how to see if…
This is an unabashedly practical guide for the student fact-checker. It supplements generic information literacy with the specific web-based techniques that can get you closer to the truth on the web more quickly. We will show you how to use date filters to find the source of viral content, how to assess the reputation of a scientific journal in less than five seconds, and how to see if a tw…
Introduces basic mathematical principles related to drinking water distribution and treatment systems and wastewater treatment plants; including areas, volumes, pressure, flow rates, unit conversion, chemical dosage, detention time, and filtration rates. Focuses on mathematical computations within the expected range of knowledge on the State Water Resources Control Board exams for Drinking Wate…
Examines advanced topics in conventional surface water treatment processes and disinfection, as well as non-conventional treatment processes.
Overview: Presents the basic operating principles and techniques of the conventional surface water treatment processes of coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, and filtration, plus those of disinfection processes.
Examines the sources of drinking water supplies, with special emphasis on water in California. Explores the uses of water, including residential, commercial/industrial/institutional, and landscaping demands. It also examines the roles and methods of conservation on water demand management.
Examines basic principles of chemistry and microbiology, and applies them to drinking water quality and related state and federal regulations. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Water Resources And Origin Of Contaminants Chapter 2: Introduction To Chemistry And Matter Chapter 3: Chemical Equations Chapter 4: Organic Chemistry Chapter 5: Acids, Bases, And Salts Chapter 6: Basic Microbiology…
Presents intermediate to advanced principles of water distribution.
Presents the basic operating principles and techniques of conventional wastewater treatment processes including preliminary treatment, primary treatment, and secondary treatment, as well as wastewater quality assessment, wastewater collection, and wastewater disposal.
Die Hochschule gerät dabei als Spiegel und Manifestation gesellschaftlicher Verhältnisse in den Blick und überdies als ein Ort, der unter spezifischen Bedingungen zum Motor notwendiger Veränderungsprozesse werden kann. Aus unterschiedlichen disziplinären, aktivistischen und sozialkritischen Perspektiven wird die Hochschule als eine machtvolle Institution beleuchtet. Von deren Rändern aus …