Dalam buku ini, penulis meyakinkan bahwa Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington sedikit keliru, setidaknya sejauh menyangkut fisika. Ia mengeksplorasi teori grup dan aljabar Lie serta representasinya untuk menggunakan representasi grup sebagai alat bantu yang menghemat tenaga. ;;; Isospin, atau isotopic spin (juga disebut isospin kuantum), adalah konsep dalam fisika partikel yang digunakan untuk menggamb…
Teks ini mengkaji seksualitas manusia melalui teori psikoanalitik dan psikologi ego modern, yang melihat makna emosional dan organisasinya dalam representasi simbolis dari afek sebagaimana diatur oleh ego. Dimulai dengan eksplorasi tentang bagaimana representasi simbolis diterapkan pada pengalaman sensorik tubuh dalam seksualitas manusia, baik dalam realitas maupun fantasi. Selanjutnya, penulis…
This open access book presents an alternative to capitalism and state socialism through the modelling of a post-market and post-state utopia based on an upscaling of the commons, feminist political economy and democratic and council-based planning approaches. It discusses the left’s need to explore non-capitalist modes of production, the inability of green or socialist market economies to pro…
Ilmu Data untuk Energi Angin menyediakan diskusi mendalam tentang bagaimana metode ilmu data dapat meningkatkan pengambilan keputusan untuk aplikasi energi angin, analisis dan prakiraan medan angin dekat permukaan tanah, pemasangan kurva daya turbin dan analisis kinerja, penilaian keandalan turbin, dan pengoptimalan pemeliharaan untuk turbin angin dan ladang angin. Seperangkat metode ilmu data …
This open access book deconstructs the core features of online misinformation and disinformation. It finds that the optimisation of emotions for commercial and political gain is a primary cause of false information online. The chapters distil societal harms, evaluate solutions, and consider what must be done to strengthen societies as new biometric forms of emotion profiling emerge. Based on a …
This open access book demonstrates that, while occupation has been used to treat the mentally disordered since the early nineteenth century, approaches to its use have varied across different countries and in different time periods. Comparing how occupation was used in French and English mental institutions between 1918 and 1939, one hundred years after the heyday of moral therapy, the book is …
This Open Access Brief presents the KAPSARC Global Energy Macroeconometric Model (KGEMM). KGEMM is a policy analysis tool for examining the impacts of domestic policy measures and global economic and energy shocks on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The model has eight blocks (real sector, fiscal, monetary, external sector, price, labor and wages, energy, population, and age cohorts) that interact …
Antioxidant use in health promotion and disease prevention either through dietary intake or supplementation is controversial. This book reviews the latest evidence-based research in the area, principally through prospective cohort studies and randomized controlled trials. It assesses major dietary antioxidants and discusses their use in diseases such as cancer, diabetes, stroke, coronary heart …
Antioxidant use in sports is controversial due to existing evidence that it both supports and hurts athletic performance. This book presents information on antioxidants, specifically for athletes, and their roles in sports nutrition. It stresses how antioxidants affect exercise performance, health, and immunity. Chapters cover oxidative stress; basic nutrition for athletes; major dietary antiox…
This open access book illustrates how interdisciplinary research develops over the lifetime of a scholar: not in a single project, but as an attitude that trickles down, or spirals up, into research. This book presents how interdisciplinary work has inspired shifts in how the contributors read, value concepts, critically combine methods, cope with knowledge hierarchies, write in style, and coll…