Municipal courts' decisions in the jurisprudence of the International Court of Justice -- Enforcement of ICJ decisions in municipal courts -- Reception of decisions of the ICJ by municipal courts.
Introduction 1 Challenges of judicial reasoning in beginning and end-of-life cases 2 Ways of judicial reasoning ⁰́₃ outline 3 Ways of reasoning in medically assisted procreation and surrogacy cases 4 Ways of reasoning in abortion cases 5 Ways of reasoning in end-of
In diesem Open-Access-Sammelband werden die aktuelle Herausforderungen für Privatheit und Datenschutz aufgezeigt, die durch die zunehmende Digitalisierung entstehen. Die Beitragsautoren analysieren, wie diese durch Governancemechanismen adressiert werden können. Als Alternative zu einem rein profitorientierten Digitalkapitalismus bzw. Digitalautoritarismus wird für einen eigenständigen euro…
This open access volume of the AIDA Europe Research Series on Insurance Law and Regulation brings together contributions from authors with different legal cultures. It aims to identify the legal issues that arise from the intersection of two disciplines: insurance law and corporate/company law. These legal issues are examined mainly from the perspective of European Union (EU) law. However, ther…
Male-dominated law and legal knowledge essentially characterized the whole of pre-modern history in that the patriarchy represented the axis of social relations in both the private and public spheres. Indeed, modern and even contemporary law still have embedded elements of patriarchal heritage, even in the secular modern legal systems of Western developed countries, either within the content of…
This open-access book brings together international experts who shed new light on the status of social enterprises, benefit corporations and other purpose-driven companies. The respective chapters take a multidisciplinary approach (combining law, philosophy, history, sociology and economics) and provide valuable insights on fostering social entrepreneurship and advancing the common good. In …