Standen Sie schon einmal vor einem mathematischen Problem oder einer kniffeligen Knobelaufgabe und hatten keine Idee für einen Lösungsansatz? Ist Kreativität erlernbar? Dieses Buch vermittelt Ihnen systematisch Problemlösestrategien, die Grundlagen der Logik und die wichtigsten Beweistechniken. Der Autor bearbeitet Schritt für Schritt ausgewählte Probleme, die mit dem Schulwissen der Mitt…
This open access proceedings volume brings selected, peer-reviewed contributions presented at the Third Stochastic Transport in Upper Ocean Dynamics (STUOD) 2022 Workshop, held virtually and in person at the Imperial College London, UK, September 26–29, 2022. The STUOD project is supported by an ERC Synergy Grant, and led by Imperial College London, the National Institute for Research in Comp…
In diesem Open-Access-Buch systematisiert Judith Huget in einer theoretischen Herangehensweise eine stoffdidaktische Methode - die didaktisch orientierte Rekonstruktion - zur Ausdifferenzierung von Wissenselementen von Lehrkräften. Anhand dieser Methode werden anschließend exemplarisch Fachwissenselemente für Lehrkräfte am Beispiel des empirischen, schwachen und starken Gesetzes der großen…
This open access book’s theme is Teaching mathematics as to be meaningful – foregrounding children’s play and perspectives. It discusses the relation between teachers, children and mathematical content within the context of play with a particular focus on the framing of these relations within this context, which is an important theme in the debate on whether teaching should be integrated …
An analysis of Newton's mathematical work, from early discoveries to mature reflections, & a discussion of Newton's views on the role & nature of mathematics, in this book Guicciardini reconstructs Newton's own method by extracting it from his concrete practice.OCLC-licensed vendor bibliographic record.
The convergence of military strategy and mathematics in war games, from medieval to modern times.For centuries, both mathematical and military thinkers have used game-like scenarios to test their visions of mastering a complex world through symbolic operations. By the end of World War I, mathematical and military discourse in Germany simultaneously discovered the game as a productive concept. M…
In Estimation and Control with Quantized Measurements, Dr. Curry examines the two distinct but related problems of state variable estimation and control when the measurements are quantized. Consideration is limited to discrete-time problems, and emphasis is placed on coarsely quantized measurements and linear, possibly time-varying systems.OCLC-licensed vendor bibliographic record.
A non-mathematician explores mathematical terrain, reporting accessibly and engagingly on topics from Sudoku to probability. Brian Hayes wants to convince us that mathematics is too important and too much fun to be left to the mathematicians. Foolproof, and Other Mathematical Meditations is his entertaining and accessible exploration of mathematical terrain both far-flung and nearby, bringing r…
"In this book, Joel David Hamkins offers an introduction to the philosophy of mathematics that is grounded in mathematics and motivated by mathematical inquiry and practice. He treats philosophical issues as they arise organically in mathematics, discussing such topics as platonism, realism, logicism, structuralism, formalism, infinity, and intuitionism in mathematical contexts. He organizes th…
"These original essays summarize a decade of fruitful research and curriculum development using the LISP-derived language Logo. They discuss a range of issues in the areas of curriculum, learning, and mathematics, illustrating the ways in which Logo continues to provide a rich learning environment, one that allows pupil autonomy within challenging mathematical settings.Essays in the first secti…