This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems, RR 2015, held in Berlin, Germany, in August 2015. The 5 full papers, 4 technical communications presented together with 4 invited talks were carefully reviewed and selected from 16 submissions. The scale and the heterogenous nature of web data poses many challenges, and turns ba…
This book constitutes revised selected papers from the 10th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, WEBIST 2014, held in Barcelona, Spain, April 2014, organized by the Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication (INSTICC), and technically sponsored by the European Research Center for Information Systems (ERCIS). The purpose o…
This two volume set LNCS 9418 and LNCS 9419 constitutes the proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering, WISE 2015, held in Miami, FL, USA, in November 2015. The 53 full papers, 17 short and 14 special sessions and invited papers, presented in these proceedings were carefully reviewed and selected from 189 submissions. The papers cover the areas of…
This two volume set LNCS 9418 and LNCS 9419 constitutes the proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering, WISE 2015, held in Miami, FL, USA, in November 2015. The 53 full papers, 17 short and 14 special sessions and invited papers, presented in these proceedings were carefully reviewed and selected from 189 submissions. The papers cover the areas of b…
This book constitutes the revised selected papers of the combined workshops on Web Information Systems Engineering, WISE 2014, held in Thessaloniki, Greece, in October 2014. The 19 selected papers presented were carefully revised and report from the four workshops: computational social networks, IWCSN 2014, enterprise social networks, Org2 2014, personalization and context-awareness in cloud an…
Baiman begins with an introduction to morality and ethics in both general sciences and in economics in particular. He then guides readers through evidence of how neoclassical economics has not only failed to remain objective and value-free, but has become an ideology of apologetics protecting an immoral system. In addition to breaking down real-world examples to demonstrate his assertions, Baim…
The Internet of Things, cloud computing, connected vehicles, Big Data, analytics — what does this have to do with the automotive industry? This book provides information about the future of mobility trends resulting from digitisation, connectedness, personalisation and data insights. The automotive industry is on the verge of undergoing a fundamental transformation. Large, traditional compani…
The 22 revised full papers and 6 short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 81 submissions. The papers deal with the topics related to the theme of the conference: "The mobile learning voyage: from small ripples to massive open waters". The conference theme paid tribute to the developments that brought mobile learning from its infancy steps in the early 2000s to maturity i…
This book provides the mathematical foundations of networks of linear control systems, developed from an algebraic systems theory perspective. This includes a thorough treatment of questions of controllability, observability, realization theory, as well as feedback control and observer theory. The potential of networks for linear systems in controlling large-scale networks of interconnected dyn…