This book presents an innovative methodology for identifying optimum investment strategies in the power industry. To do so, it examines results including, among others, the impact of oxy-fuel technology on CO2 emissions prices, and the specific cost of electricity production. The technical and economic analysis presented here extend the available knowledge in the field of investment optimizati…
The past 30 years bear witness to a profound evolution in our ability to diagnose pediatric cancers. What were once common diagnostic dilemmas are now routinely categorized with the help of ancillary tests such as immunohistochemistry, fl uorescence in situ hybridization, and a myriad of molecular diagnostics tools. We are now moving into an unprecedented new realm wherein personalized medicin…
rekayasa perangkat lunak (SE) dan interaksi manusia-komputer (HCI)/faktor manusia yang bekerja secara harmonis. Karena keselarasan antara HCI dan SE ini sulit diprediksi sebelum sistem yang berfungsi penuh benar-benar diterapkan, pengalaman desain dan kolaborasi yang ekstensif sangat penting. Pola desain interaksi juga disebut pola desain pengalaman pengguna, pola desain HCI atau antarmuka peng…
This book presents recent results on positivity and optimization of polynomials in non-commuting variables. Researchers in non-commutative algebraic geometry, control theory, system engineering, optimization, quantum physics and information science will find the unified notation and mixture of algebraic geometry and mathematical programming useful. Theoretical results are matched with algorithm…
The subject of this book is supply chain logistics planning optimization under multiple uncertainties, the key issue in supply chain management. Focusing on the strategic-alliance three-level supply chain, the model of supply chain logistics planning was established in terms of the market prices and the market requirements as random variables of manufactured goods with random expected value…
Including considerations of sustainability in universities’ activities has long since become mainstream. However, there is still much to be done with regard to the full integration of sustainability thinking into science and engineering curricula. Among the problems that hinder progress in this field, the lack of sound information on how to actually implement it is prominent. Created in order…
Pentingnya sakit kepala dalam kesehatan masyarakat muncul dari hubungan sebab akibatnya dengan beban pribadi dan sosial berupa rasa sakit, kecacatan, kualitas hidup yang rusak, dan biaya keuangan. Gangguan sakit kepala sebenarnya umum dan ada di mana-mana. Mereka memiliki dasar neurologis, tetapi jarang disebabkan oleh penyakit serius yang mendasarinya. Gangguan sakit kepala primer-migrain, sak…
Addressing a pressing issue in space policy, Pelton explores the new forms of technology that are being developed to actively remove the defunct space objects from orbit and analyzes their implications in the existing regime of international space law and public international law. This authoritative review covers the due diligence guidelines that nations are using to minimize the generation of …
This monograph presents a reliable methodology for characterising the energy and eco-efficiency of unit manufacturing processes. The Specific Energy Consumption, SEC, will be identified as the key indicator for the energy efficiency of unit processes. An empirical approach will be validated on different machine tools and manufacturing processes to depict the relationship between process paramet…
This authoritative book presents the ever progressing state of the art in evaluating climate change strategies and action. It builds upon a selection of relevant and practical papers and presentations given at the 2nd International Conference on Evaluating Climate Change and Development held in Washington DC in 2014 and includes perspectives from independent evaluations of the major internation…