This grammar provides the first comprehensive grammatical description of Moloko, a Chadic language spoken by about 10,000 speakers in northern Cameroon. The grammar was developed from hours and years that the authors spent at friends’ houses hearing and recording stories, hours spent listening to the tapes and transcribing the stories, then translating them and studying the language through t…
This book is the first comprehensive monograph dedicated to Chakali, a Southwestern Grusi language spoken by less than 3500 people in northwest Ghana. The dictionary offers a consistent description of word meaning and provides the basis for future research in the linguistic area. It is also designed to provide an inventory of correspondence with English usage in a reversal index. The concepts u…
Violence against women is characterised by its universality, the multiplicity of its forms, and the intersectionality of diverse kinds of discrimination against women. Great emphasis in legal analysis has been placed on sex-based discrimination; however, in investigations of violence, one aspect has been overlooked: violence may severely affect women's health and access to reproductive health, …
Diversas partes deste livro apareceram anteriormente em artigos de revistas acadêmicas ou jornais em versões distintas. Elas foram escritas visando públicos e momentos distintos, e isso se reflete em certa diferença de estilos. No entanto, havia uma preocupação e uma temática comum a todas elas, que só agora, quando postas lado a lado, podem ser melhor compreendidas.
This textbook of classroom activities and homework accompanies Deutsch im Blick,, the web-based German program developed and in use at the University of Texas since 2004, and its companion site, Grimm Grammar (2000) These are open access sites, free and open multimedia resources, which require neither password nor fees. Deutsch im B…
Biology is designed to cover the scope and sequence requirements of a typical two-semester biology course for science majors. The text provides comprehensive coverage of foundational research and core biology concepts through an evolutionary lens. Biology includes rich features that engage students in scientific inquiry, highlight careers in the biological sciences, and offer everyday applicati…
Love and tragedy dominate book four of Virgil’s most powerful work, building on the violent emotions invoked by the storms, battles, warring gods, and monster-plagued wanderings of the epic’s opening.
The emperor Nero is etched into the Western imagination as one of ancient Rome’s most infamous villains, and Tacitus’ Annals have played a central role in shaping the mainstream historiographical understanding of this flamboyant autocrat.
Les Bienveillantes de Jonathan Littell a créé l’événement de la rentrée littéraire 2006. Selon l’auteur, la portée du roman dépasse le seul génocide des Juifs pour revêtir une dimension universelle. Les angles d’approche dans Les Bienveillantes de Jonathan Littell sont aussi nombreux que variés sans prétendre à l’exhaustivité. Ce recueil n’est pas un jugement de l’œuv…
In republican times, one of Rome's deadliest enemies was King Mithridates of Pontus. In 66 BCE, after decades of inconclusive struggle, the tribune Manilius proposed a bill that would give supreme command in the war against Mithridates to Pompey the Great, who had just swept the Mediterranean clean of another menace: the pirates. While powerful aristocrats objected to the proposal, which would …