Dieses Open-Access-Buch behandelt die Frage, wie und warum es dazu kommt, dass Menschen schwere islamistische Gewalttaten, etwa in Form terroristischer Anschläge oder gewaltsamer Hasskriminalität, in Westeuropa begehen wollen. Das im Rahmen des Buches entwickelte Erklärungsmodell nähert sich der Beantwortung dieser Frage in zwei Schritten: erstens wird erklärt, wie und warum Menschen über…
This open access book is designed and written to bridge the gap on the critical issues identified in environmental education programs in Asian countries. The world and its environments are changing rapidly, and the public may have difficulty keeping up and understanding how these changes will affect our way of life. The authors discuss various topics and case studies from an Asian perspective,…
This open access book addresses the future of work and industry by 2040—a core interest for many disciplines inspiring a strong momentum for employment and training within the industrial world. The future of industrial safety in terms of technological risk-management, although of obvious concern to international actors in various industries, has been quite sparsely addressed. This brief refle…
"Der Reichshofrat übte gemeinsam mit dem Reichskammergericht im Namen des Kaisers die Höchstgerichtsbarkeit im Heiligen Römischen Reich aus. Er fungierte darüber hinaus als oberster Lehnshof, als Beratungsgremium des Reichsoberhaupts und als Administrationsorgan der kaiserlichen Reservatrechte in Standeserhebungs- und Privilegienangelegenheiten. Das archivalische Erbe des Reichshofrats w…
This open access book examines the conversations around gendered mental health in contemporary Western media culture. While early 21st century-media was marked by a distinct focus on happiness, productivity and success, during the 2010s negative feelings and discussions around mental health have become increasingly common in that same media landscape. This book traces this turn to sadness in wo…
This open access book offers an overview of theories related to simulation and describes different simulation areas within nursing. It illustrates how simulation may be used in different levels in professional education. The book deals with the role of the Simulation Facilitator, peer learning and the use of Virtual Reality in simulation. It provides new insights and paths to the development of…
This open access book shows how figures, figuring, and configuration are used to understand complex, contemporary problems. Figures are images, numbers, diagrams, data and datasets, turns-of-phrase, and representations. Contributors reflect on the history of figures as they have transformed disciplines and fields of study, and how methods of figuring and configuring have been integral to practi…
This open access book provides the first systematic overview of existing challenges and opportunities for responsible data linkage, and a cutting-edge assessment of which steps need to be taken to ensure that plant data are ethically shared and used for the benefit of ensuring global food security – one of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. The volume focuses on the contemporary contou…
This open access book contains 30 peer-reviewed papers based on presentations at the 27th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG). The meeting was held from July 8 to 18, 2019 in Montreal, Canada, with the theme being the celebration of the centennial of the establishment of the IUGG. The centennial was also a good opportunity to look forward to the next cen…