This is an open access book. In this third edition of Engineering Haptic Devices the software part was rewritten from scratch and now includes even more details on tactile and texture interaction modalities. The kinematics section was improved to extend beyond a pure knowledge explanation to a comprehensive guideline on how to actually do and implement haptic kinematic functions. The control…
Dieses Open-Access-Buch bringt die Daten des Deutschen Freiwilligensurveys 2019 für einen Vergleich der Bundesländer Baden-Württemberg, Bayern, Berlin, Brandenburg, Hamburg, Hessen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Niedersachsen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein und Thüringen zusammen. Der Freiwilligensurvey wurde 2019 zum fünften Mal im Au…
Die Open-Access-Publikation präsentiert umfangreiche empirische Analysen zu Halte- und Bleibeorientierung Geflüchteter und richtet den Blick dabei besonders auf die Situation der ländlichen Regionen Deutschlands. Migrations- und Integrationsforschung in Deutschland war bislang überwiegend auf Großstädte ausgerichtet. Durch den vermehrten Zuzug geflüchteter Menschen seit 2014 sehen s…
This open access book examines the history and role of money. Money is often defined in terms of three interrelated functions: as a medium of exchange, store of value and unit of account. Researchers frequently discuss the first two functions, but tend to ignore unit of account. This book focuses on how a unit of account or denomination can be defined and can be derived from the monetary system…
This open access book clarifies confusions of strategy that have existed for nearly 40 years through the core thoughts of three fundamental elements. Unlike the traditional definition of strategy as "a plan to achieve a long-term goal from overall considerations”in a linear view, this book defines strategy from non-linear viewpoint as it is in the real world. The art of a strategy lies not on…
International Organizations (IOs) are important actors within global social governance. They provide forums for exchange, contention and cooperation about social policies. Our knowledge about the involvement of IOs varies significantly by policy fields, and we know comparatively little about the specific roles of IOs in social policies. This volume enhances and systematizes our understanding…
This open access book addresses the way in which urban and urbanizing regions profoundly impact and are impacted by climate change. The editors and authors show why cities must wage simultaneous battles to curb global climate change trends while adapting and transforming to address local climate impacts. This book addresses how cities develop anticipatory and long-range planning capacities for …
This open access textbook offers a critical introduction to human and economic development prospects in Africa revolving around three questions: where is Africa today, what explains the current state, and, given historical trends and what we know about the world, where do we think the continent will be in 2040? And, a final question: what can we do to create a better tomorrow? It models ambitio…
Dieser im Open Access erscheinende Band nimmt eine bislang kaum beachtete Tendenz der Nachkriegsepik in den Blick:„Ich bin nicht Stiller!“ heißt es in Max Frischs Roman gleich zu Beginn des ersten Teils, der den Titel „Stillers Aufzeichnungen im Gefängnis“ trägt. Der das sagt, nennt sich White, wird aber von seiner Umgebung für Stiller gehalten. Stiller ist mit seinem provokanten Be…
This open access book summarizes the results of the collaborative project “GeomInt: Geomechanical integrity of host and barrier rocks - experiment, modeling and analysis of discontinuities” within the Program: Geo Research for Sustainability (GEO: N) of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The use of geosystems as a source of resources, a storage space, for installing unde…